TOS Phaser
Active Member
For years I looked at the nearly side view - high rez cap of Lenore holding the "Riley/Lenore" P2 and did recognize the Hero P1 in the saddle...Note that the Lenore and the Finney--the heroes which got the most screentime, early on--were the ones with watch crowns.
The Hero P1 filmed in this scene is - IMO - NOT the TMOST P1 - It is the Nona P1.
The P1 in this scene has the WMC Nona shape in the rear...
And something else for those of you who are convinced there was no Hero P1 swapping after WMC:
The Nona P1 does not appear to fit the Riley/Lenore saddle...
In the following high rez cap (the scene before the Lenore scene) Riley who is holding the Riley/Lenore P2 appears to have the same Hero P1 inserted:
I think (now) this Hero P1 is the Nona P1 because it has the WMC re-shaped rear end.
The following is a good comparison photo (besides the Assignment Earth Photo) of the TMOST P1 rear end to the Nona P1 rear end:
If the "Lost" Hero P1 with Velcro on the left side for carrying Hero P2s on gold belts was "reworked" by WMC to be a 3rd Hero P1 for closeup shots - it (IMO) was not filmed inserted into the Riley/Lenore P2 in either "The Conscience of the King" or in "Court-Martial" because the photographic evidence in the B&W episodes - reflect the "Lost"/4th Hero P1, originally with Velcro on the left side for carring the Finney P2 on gold belts, was IMO - the twin of the TMOST. (The read end dimensions of the TMOST P1 and the Lost P1 appear to be very close.)
You can see this in the "Charlie X" episode when it is mated to the Greg Jein P2 and in the front view close up when Captain Kirk carries the Finney into Dr. McCoy's cabin to kill the salt monster in "The Man Trap". (This is why I asked Dahn if there was a photo of the front view of the auction Finney P1 with its sight raised. (The sight hood of the Lost B&W Hero P1 (with Velcro on the left side) has an obvious angle when the sight is raised.)
You can see the sight hood appears to be at an angle on the 4th Hero P1 matted to the Finney P2 in this closeup shot.
To summarize:
1. I now think the Riley/Lenore P2 in "The Conscience of the King" is mated with the Nona P1. - - I cannot explain the jewel/crown changes after WMC.
2. I maintain the "Lost / 4th" Hero P1 was most likely not "reworked" by WMC to be a third Hero P1 for closeup use. And it is, I believe, the 4th Hero P1 with Velcro on the left side that was filmed matted to the Finney P2 in "Shore Leave". I will provide photographic evidence the Jein P1 or the Jein P1 "battery cover" was probably damaged, when the Greg Jein P2 was dropped by Shatner during the filming of "The Man Trap" in my B&W Study thread.
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