Judge Dredd Lawgiver MK1 (yep, another one)


New Member
Hello all,

Having made a load of MK2 Lawgivers over the past few years I was recently asked to make a MK1. My last atempt was 20 years ago at art school - not a great one to be honest but the chance to set the record straight was not be be ingored.

This one is vaguely based on Mike McMahon's version with bits chucked in from various artists. Most MK1's in the past have stuck to the visuals in the comic but have come out a bit weedy, I've chunked it up and given it a more realistic paintjob.... hope you approve!

LG MK1 copy.jpg
Build was pretty straightforward - ally tube and cup for the barrel, bits from an old torch (or flashlight for the colonials) for the rearsight - a spare grip from an old project - the rest wood and MDF

The gold Justice Dept Eagle is courtesy of Termight Replicas

There is 42p in coins providing the sensors in the grip so it's worth at least that...