JAWS the shark named Bruce.

One of the originals (might be the only remaining one) is on display in a car dealer/wrecker in LA. Someone here a few years ago tracked it down and posted pix. Wonderful to see the old boy again.
Almost an original. IIRC, it was cast from the original molds (last to be done), but not used in the film. Ask Robstyle -- he has all the details.
Originally posted by Probe Droid@Feb 8 2006, 01:20 PM
One of the originals (might be the only remaining one) is on display in a car dealer/wrecker in LA. Someone here a few years ago tracked it down and posted pix. Wonderful to see the old boy again.

As I remember it, the shark in the car lot wasn't actually screen used, but it was the last surviving cast from the original JAWS shark mold (which no longer exists).

It was in a pretty bad way too, there was a drive to try and rescue the shark but I don't think it ever came to anything, at least I never heard anything more about it.

I hate to think how the shark looks now, hsted up over the car lot in the baking hot sun like that... :unsure

If a Bruce is really at an old car dump, someone needs to go out there and make him a cash offer for him.

Anyone know the name of the place?
I seem to recall people mentioning the car lot owner has been approached more than once about the shark but he ain't selling.

Wasn't a screenused Bruce used to create the shark for the backlot tour? Granted, by now it's probably been replaced or refurbished so many times there's little original material left.

In a previous thread someone reported that one of the sharks was on display at Universal for years, but in recent years it was trashed and replaced by a new (and inaccurate) sculpt.
Yeah , I was at Universal a few months back and a "Bruce" was back behind the fire station on the backlot tour (at the bottom of the hill)
Couldn't tell for sure & couldn't get a good pic.
Maybe we can all pool our cash and buy the poor fish; then he can spend a day at a time at each of our houses, much like that episode of THE SIMPSONS where Bart and his friends buy the comic book....;)

Actually, I had a tooth from old Bruce that was allegedly screen-used a ways back, and sold it to a third party.

I'd love to have that sucker back...or a reasonable facsimile. That was a cool piece.
I have visited our pal Bruce. He is pretty hammered now. Plywood teeth....very sad.

I talked to the guy who was trying to buy him. "Save Bruce.com" I think. No offer would make this guy sell it. He charges a fee to get into the junk yard and he is making a ton of tourist money by having the shark in there. I mean its free money for the guy. No pictures are allowed in there either.

My pal Clint has made a really swell Bruce replica that will fit in your basement. I think the kit is on MIM. The likeness of Bruce is spot on.

What we need is a helicopter and some lifting straps.
well, this is where we need to go (as soon as we get that helicopter)
We'll need to pack some heavy artillery in that neighborhood. :D

Originally posted by slave1pilot@Feb 8 2006, 01:46 PM

We'll need to pack some heavy artillery in that neighborhood. :D


That should be easy with some of the members on this board :)
When you visit Amblin there's a Shark's head in the well near the lobby. Not sure if it's a used one - but it's big from what I remember.
I wonder if you can see Bruce in the junkyard from Google Earth? Im on 56k so no chance of it for me, but it might be an interesting thing for someone with a REAL connection to try :)
Originally posted by Thrawn@Feb 8 2006, 08:48 PM
I wonder if you can see Bruce in the junkyard from Google Earth? Im on 56k so no chance of it for me, but it might be an interesting thing for someone with a REAL connection to try :)

Well, here's the junkyard - not sure that I can spot Bruce though:

Originally posted by Rocketbobs@Feb 8 2006, 09:27 AM
No offer would make this guy sell it. He charges a fee to get into the junk yard and he is making a ton of tourist money by having the shark in there. I mean its free money for the guy. No pictures are allowed in there either.

I imagine this guy probably looks like the guy who rented out the space to park in "Christine". Slimy, evil, and greedy. Appropriately, the shark should fall mouth-first on him.

Well, here's the junkyard - not sure that I can spot Bruce though:


I am betting it is right between the 2 "houses".

The other picture shows him under some palm trees and the only palm trees I see is in the center of the image
Originally posted by decaturvader@Feb 8 2006, 08:06 AM
I imagine he's been destroyed or melted..but are there any pics? Is the skeleton still on display somewhere?

There were 3 original Bruces used on Jaws. Each one was used for a different type of movement on the film. The 3 originals all no longer exist, since they were originally made for use in fresh water. They were badly damaged by the salt water. Some parts of the 3 originals were used on the sequels. I know one of the heads was put on a new body for Jaws 2.

The shark seen above may have a few original parts from the '75 film, but it's likely just a new one they created for the sequels. It's still very cool though.

BTW, I don't know if everyone here has heard, but Sideshow has acquired the Jaws license and they are debuting a 24" long Bruce miniature replica at next week's ToyFair. I know it's not a true "prop", but it's the next best thing, IMO. I hope that it ends up in a similar style to the MR Nautilus.
Very cool. So does someone have any specific info on this? Where did the guy get it, is it def from the original molds, potentially screen used, etc... History??
