Jasonmask from Part 7 finished...;-)


Master Member
Hi Guys..yesterday I finished another of my Jasonmasks..the Part 7.I cutted it out of an Part 3,painted and weathered it.The undermask is a latexmask from ebay.
I hope you like it..:)

Little bit lights effect:

Daylight effect:

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Looks good, Love the weathering :thumbsup

my only gripe about doing this from a previous version is that all the air holes and even eye holes are too big

Here is mine take from studio molds

Looks good, Love the weathering :thumbsup

my only gripe about doing this from a previous version is that all the air holes and even eye holes are too big

Here is mine take from studio molds


Thanks a lot for the compliments to both.:)

I know what you mean with the holes.Your mask is very great,too..were did you bought it?..but are this the right sized leather straps and blanks?I think this small blanks are from the Jason X-Version,isn´t it? :confused
I purchased mine from Justin Mabry.. I don't think the straps are the correct size, but the hock itself definetely is
Very cool man! Where did you get the blank hock from?

Since everyone's posting their own as well, here's mine from Ken Tarallo, the guy who created the original for Pt 3.


Since we're highjacking this thread. Here's my Part 7 costume...With these platform boots I stand 6'5" and weigh about 210lbs.


And the mask...

In all technical aspects, we are hijacking but Jason doesn't get the love on these forums. I say, post more. Let's see what everyone has.

To the OP, thank you for posting your excellent looking hock for us to look at.
So you finally made it @ Kroenen :thumbsup

Looks good... You start with a finished mask from another part or made all by yourself with a clean white mask?

Hope I can finish my Jason 1:1 in near future, but then with a non-damaged mask...
Great masks and a mindblowing Jasonsuit...excellent,guys!:)
I want a Livesize-Jason,too.My favorite is the one from Part 7,too.I love this massive "Zombiestyle"..and Kane Hodder ist the best Jasonactor for me.

@Onkelpsycho:Are you the one from propschmiede,too?
I made the Part7 out of an clean white mask.First,I cutted the right size..then I cutted the damages from moviepics...at last painted and weathered it.The undermask is a cheaper one from ebay...but for the price it looks ok.

@Rahl:Thanks a lot...the blank hocks are the last ones from a friend here in Germany...I´ve only 2 left.I cutted the sides smaller(like the part 7)and then I made the damages and the other things to complete it.
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Great mask, you've done a great job with it, the others are cool too. I also have a blank hock i got from ruste dowg of the uk, i made this part seven mask to go with it, love the part seven look

I plan on doing a full suit sometime this year
That mask looks pretty good from the pic..

Yes?I bought the mask on ebay..for 30$ or cheaper.There was a very bad plastichockeymask on it...now there is my Part 7 on it...looks better.:)

Here is a pic of the combo:

But the Hockey looks not like the one on the pics..it looks absolutely different..**** cheap...teribble...;-)

That´s the truth:

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@Onkelpsycho:Are you the one from propschmiede,too?
I made the Part7 out of an clean white mask.First,I cutted the right size..then I cutted the damages from moviepics...at last painted and weathered it.The undermask is a cheaper one from ebay...but for the price it looks ok.


I saw the clean mask on ebay, but I'm not very good in painting and weathering jobs, so the mask cant be a good paintjob.

I think, if I ever make it so far with my Jason Dummie I will get a finished mask. For the Undermask I will get the PArt 6(or was it 7 or 8?) Undermask and the suit I make by myself. Same with the Freddy Costume...

I dont know how the undermask looks in reallife, but I hope that it will be useful... You see the collector masks of Jason and Leatherface on dadashop.de? MAybe you can tell me if they ere good enough to fit the Dummie?!?
Great looking mask Kroenen! I agree - most horror characters are under represented on the board.

And since we're throwing Jason's out there ... :love

I wanna tune my Neca-JasonX-mask a little bit...what are the rigt blanks for it?The leatherstripes are in the inside..but the blanks are very small on the top... :confused

Here another pic of my Part7-mask under daylight:

It´s the same effect,like the original...in rooms with very little bit light,it looks dirt and brown..and under lights more white.

@Onkelpsycho:I used only the undermask for my Part7-the ugly white plastikmask,I kicked away!;-)
The mask is also another...it was clear/white plastic,too..but a lot better quality.
About your posted website:I cannot found an Jasonmask there...
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On the first site scroll down till you see "Freitag der 13. Kostüme". Click on that and then click on the bif fantasy picture, scroll down, again and there are 2 or 2 cataloque sites with horror masks and costumes.

The white mask is a mask like one from spaceart? What about the Neca Mask (Freddy vs. JAson) You know that Display with Mask & Glove? So ive got for not much money a gloce and a mask, but Ive heard that the glove is only plastic, not real metal knives on it...

But I think the mask is useful?!?