Jango Fett Pistol Model Kit


New Member
I found one on E-bay but it looks to be from a recaster and i have been unable to find any online. figured someone might know better then i do. if anyone knows what comapny makes them or if anyone on the boards makes a kit please let me know

well it seems like a no.. so i guess thier is only one thing that i can do.. let the posting of refrance pics or sites begin .. if you have them that is.. thanky you

I have to be honest. I bought one on ebay, and it still sits in the box. It looks to be too much work. Pics looked good though.

Have you tried www. thedentedhelmet.com? There are some super awesome jangos (Turo, for one) that I'm sure that would help point you in the right direction. For me, the noisy toy redone works for now.

yup joind TDH and got some great leads on armor. thought the jango blasters would be a great project to work on as i have very little room in my house right now to work on items and my prop making skills are still not at any expert level so the more you try and fail horrbily the closer you get to getting something right


Originally posted by jadedskies@Nov 20 2005, 04:26 AM
I have to be honest. I bought one on ebay, and it still sits in the box. It looks to be too much work.  Pics looked good though.

Have you tried www. thedentedhelmet.com? There are some super awesome jangos (Turo, for one) that I'm sure that would help point you in the right direction. For me, the noisy toy redone works for now. 

I bought a set at DC. They were resin and recast from the MR blaster, but didn't find that out till after I got home. The pulls were kind of rough. I think it's the same seller on ebay. If they are in PA, it's the same people. Arsenal Models I think.

I have a set that I bought from a guy in Germany. They were rough, but will do just fine. The MR's were just too pricey for me at the time and these babies were about 1/4 the cost of MR.
