Jacob from Lost Costume - Beach Photos up!


Sr Member
This is going to be a straight forward costume. I'm just going to find a pair of pants at a thrift store that will do and I'll make the shirt and weather it.


For props I'll likely have a more difficult time finding a bottle:


Once he styles his hair and beard for the part, he'll really look it:

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Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Cool, your right he does look like Jacob. So who will you be dressing as?
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Posted about it in the Motorpool jumpsuit thread:

Juliet :D


My hair is much shorter now than the photo, but long enough for a ponytail and fudging the length with a hairpiece.
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Wow, you both really look the part. I'm looking forward to seeing this finished :)
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Thanks! That's how I usually choose the costumes I make, more on 'can we pull it off'.

I've really been lucky with my husband though, he looks like all of my favorites: Dread Pirate Roberts, Obi-wan, Eomer, Boromir, Celeborn, Achilles (though I never made him the costume).... and now Jacob

It makes me wonder, is it really luck, or is the reason I like all of these characters so much BECAUSE they look like Kev? Hmmm...:cool

As for Juliet - meh. Not a fan of her character like I am Jacob. But oh well. It's either her or some concocted metaphoric rendition of 'the island'. Which in itself would be funny - but the Juliet costume is so cheap and easy that I'm going to do that. Jumpsuit and patch are already ordered... :)
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Found the fabric for the shirt and a pair of pants I can alter.



The right side is the shirt fabric when it's wet.
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

omg your husband really does look like Jacob! That's awesome XD

Great find on the pants and fabric choice. I'm looking forward to see photos of the end result!
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Thanks Moo and for all the interest!

This has been a bit more complicated than I thought getting the pattern on the bib portion. Thankfully the shirt is just normal, so once I get this part right it'll be a breeze.



My husband's comment: So all I have to do is get a haircut and grow scruff, right? :lol

I think once the shirt is made, washing it and letting it air dry will give it a better 'worn' look. Right now it has been ironed as I needed to in order to get the pleating right.
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Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

The bib is too wide. I'm going to have to redo the whole front if I want it more accurate. :unsure But now that I have a mock up (and bought extra fabric) I can make some alterations. Taking in the pants tomorrow...


I've asked him if he'll wear it to the beach when we go next week and he's iffy about it. :lol
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Thanks, Gunza. :)

Been working on version 2 and while the shape is better, these pleats are such a pain in the butt.

I can't figure out if it's legitimately really this difficult or if I'm just really bad at it. :lol Maybe a bit of both.
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Oh wow, the shirt looks awesome! Your husband does resemble Jacob a little...
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

It was okay... I felt the bib was off. I remade it and like it much better. I also think I figured out the pleats enough that I'm satisfied.

The pants are also taken in and once I get them on my husband I'll hem them.

Right now I'm working on weathering of the shirt. The top shots are from The Incident and the Richard Episode which were bot filmed before Across the Sea, but take place on the island after it. It's cleaner and pressed, where as the later episode, earlier time line (bottom) is dirty and more worn:


Right now it's like the beach scene in the incident, but I think I like the Across the Sea look better. My test strip there on the bottom left is a touch TOO dirty, but the tea staining worked really well. The 'dirt' is brown shoe polish, one of my favorites because it goes on like mud, but stains so you can wash it, and doesn't stiffen the fabric like paint. With enough detergent you can wash most of it out, so if you get too much, it's not a tragedy.

Open to comments and suggestions. :)
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

Went ahead and weathered it this morning - always a scary thing... Don't want to go too far.

So here are the comparison photos.


I hope to get a full shot of Kev in this thing at some point this weekend. :)
Re: Jacob from Lost for my husband

It's finished!



And for fun, with a polar bear - I'm working on a miniature dharma collar for that guy. *hehe*

Re: Jacob from Lost Costume - COMPLETE

Very cool. It makes me want to make that Desmond jumpsuit I've been thinking about for 3 years.