Jack Sparrow wig.

Simmon M

Sr Member
So, who makes the best Jack Sparrow wig out there?

I'm looking for something that comes complete with all the dreds, beads and sailing needle?

I see a few on ebay but wanted to know what everyone's thoughts are on them? If anyone could share pics and perhaps some contact info that would be great.

Thanks in advance!

Give Toby (Sithcamaro) a shout. He's definitely who you're looking for if you want the best out there. They don't come any closer to the real deal!
Scott Blake at YorDreems
Empire Worldwide formerly SithWorld
Ms. Mazie

These three are the only active sellers that advertise on FleaBay.

Make your own. It really isn't that difficult.

Toby uses real human hair for his wigs so you will get screen accuracy at a price.
Simmon, mine arrived today from MS Mazie, The wife just called and told me.. :) Guess what I'll be showing off tonight on the RPF?
I have Ms Mazies' Sparrow wig, and its mint. Spot on. complete with beads, sail needle, and coins.:love

I like the idea of making my own wig. I think I could handle the wig itself, but what is the best place to go to get a good set of beads and needle and all the fun stuff?

if you want spot on accuracy got with empire-worldwide sithcamaro, but it will cost you more.

if you are casually costuming you can go with mazie, youdreem, they seem to be cheaper
I'm going for accuracy. Are you able to buy just a complete set of beads and needle from Empire Worldwide? Do they have a site, or are they ebay only? I contacted them through ebay, but haven't heard back...
Bumping an old thread..I know I know...But does anyone know of a screen accurate scource, or list of Jack Sparrow's beads? Or does anyone have any good high resolution shots of Captain Jack's scarf, hair, and beads? I, or any of my friends on the web don't have any high resolution pics. of any of that stuff. So any help would deffintly be appreciated. :D

Right now my sister is going through all her beads (thousands of them...), but I don't have any good pics. to realy give her for refrence. (Or if a scource for screen accurate sets is already know, that'd be great as well.)
Awsome, I love that pic! :D Thanks again!

I'm still looking for bead and wig info though, if anyone else has anything to offer. :)
This is what I strung up using the HI RES pics!

Long dangle:





Short dangle on right side:

Bandana Pieces Of Eight:

Beard braids beads:

Wig coin set that are almost 99% accurate:

Wigs are easily made by using Kanakelon hair to create the dreadlocks. Check out my dreadlock making videos. There are seven of them and they are very detailed so look at what will help you.

Wigs are going to need to be at least shoulder length and dark brown #4. You will need to make a ponytail and a braided piece that goes on the right side. The dreadlocks will need to be sewn into the wig mesh netting.

You also have to think about what movie version are you going for: Curse of the Black Pearl which had very few dreadlocks or Dead Man's Chest / At World's End in which the number of dreadlocks increased and some actually got longer.

Start collecting the many photos of JD out there for reference.

My Curse Of The Black Pearl version!







My Dead Man's Chest / At World's End version:

Bead reference I put together about three years ago!

PM me if you got any questions. I've been doing this for three years now:eek
I could of sworn I replied to this once...or even twice. :confused

In a nutshell, holly frak, I love you wigs! :love :eek

Do you know of any good Jack Sparrow sites or forums with any costume info,etc. on it? I found KTTC, I registered, but I've never been accepted. (I checked on the front page, and I see you have to pay to join, but I'm not for certain if this meens over all registration or not. ) So if you know of any place with a store of info, I'd be intrested in joining up! :love

I keep seeing people drop names over there of what they're ordered, but I have no idea how to contact the person, or see their products! :wacko
PM me your username and email address over at KTTC and I'll get you on quickly!:thumbsup

Most of that stuff you see above and on me I made myself. Three long years to get to this level of Jack!
can someone give me a list of the beads and accessories needed for a screen accurate wig? mostly the deadmans chest variant
Loads of really good info and reference photos at jacksparrowcostuming.com Under the "wig & bandanna" section, there's a PDF that shows and describes every bead, dangle and tie.