Jack Sparrow Sash Fabric???

Darth Mule

Sr Member
Any one find any sources for this? Helping a friend with his Jack costume and can't find it anywhere. I know there's a supplier somewhere because Toby linked it to me as a show off of his find many years ago. Sorry to say I lost that link.
I remember that an ikea curtain (ALVINE SMAL if I remember correctly) was a close call...
I'm sorry, but this is the only thing I can remember about it...
Read an article about it the other day. I think they said it was woven special by Turkish peasants. They bought the last bolts for Pirates 2+3. Don't think you can buy it in a fabric store.
Read an article about it the other day. I think they said it was woven special by Turkish peasants. They bought the last bolts for Pirates 2+3. Don't think you can buy it in a fabric store.

This is also mentioned on the PotC DMC DVD (Disc 2).

I think the Ikea Curtain (Alvine Smal) is a pretty good choice.
Yup, I saw the Ikea curtain on their website, but it's an item they don't sell online and I live in Columbus OH. Westchester OH gets a store, but not til 2008! Bummer. Anyone live near an Ikea?? :)
SithCamaro and ACME Brand are the only two that I know of that sell the actual material for the CJS sash. I used the Ikea curtain method but by the time you finish purchasing, cutting, sewing, staining, and weathering said item it is probably easier to spend the $50.00 and buy one of their "Ready to wear" versions.

Buy now! I am sure supply and demand closer to Septermber-October will drive prices up!
I would say check your local fabric or material store that carries drapery; you will most likely not find an "exact" match but something similar which might even work out better.