Jack Sparrow Buckles

Um, isn't Sithcamaro = sithworld. I thought they were one in the same. Maybe I've been misled!
This debate has come up before. Cosumebase is more accurate sized buckles. Cosplayying is the seller you want to avoid. Their Anna Maria buckle is only 3.25 inches tall, whereas costumebase is over 4 inches tall. I own their belts. They are decent for the money.
Hmm, since Im on a budget, I probably will give them a shot. Do you have a picture of them DarthVeach, so we can see their size?
Hmm, since Im on a budget, I probably will give them a shot. Do you have a picture of them DarthVeach, so we can see their size?

Not any pics of me wearing it yet. I have been too busy working on it to take any pics. Finished pics should be coming within a week or two. I think a lot of costumebase's stuff is good for the money (he will usually take a best offer on his buy it now items) Some will agree, some will not, but it all comes down to what you're willing to pay and what you will be happy with. Being an artist myself, I can usually take somthing and make it better, so I don't always go for the most expensive items because I enjoy customizing my own items.
Um, isn't Sithcamaro = sithworld. I thought they were one in the same. Maybe I've been misled!
This debate has come up before. Cosumebase is more accurate sized buckles. Cosplayying is the seller you want to avoid. Their Anna Maria buckle is only 3.25 inches tall, whereas costumebase is over 4 inches tall. I own their belts. They are decent for the money.

No, both sellers are separate. Both have separate ebay accounts. Also, one is in Canada, one in the US.
costumebase = microsized, , i have one.
NOTE: ACME one is more "squared" than the real one & COSTUMEBASE's BUCKLE WON'T BE GREEN, I PAINTED IT!!!!

tassy(sp?) = microsized,
cosplaying = microsized

actually i have almost all from all sellers. lol
acme's belt looks nice, if you don't mind the price.
sithcamaro/sithworld/acme brand is the only three that doesn't have mini sized ones.
sithcamaro/sithworld makes one of the best "clothing" pieces i've seen.

To be honest, their clothing pieces looks very much the same in person, I bought sithcamaro's a yr ago, and sithworld's recently for a friend.
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Whats wrong with sith world, aside from the high prices?

If you want accuracy don't go with SithWorld....if you want accuracy go with Sith Camaro or ACME Brand!

I sell and use a wristwrap material for the last year and I noticed about three months ago SithWorld started selling the same material. I purchased the material locally and it is no longer available! SithWorld claimed that they got their material from UK (London) and that they were told that it was the same material used in the POTC movies...UMMM NO!!!!:thumbsdown
Thanks for the comparison pics Sparrow fan, really helpful. Ill probably end up going with the costumebase one for budget reasons. Maybe Ill figure it out a way to try and decieve the eyes and make it look bigger than it is. I mean, other than real enthusiasts, very little people will be to tell the difference.
I mean, other than real enthusiasts, very little people will be to tell the difference.

Exactly! Precisely why I haven't gone for the most expensive items right off the bat. I may upgrade items in the future, but it has been a lot more fun to do the work myself rather than just buying something.
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