Jack Sparrow Baldric


Well-Known Member
Anyone know the approximate measurements of the actual buckle on Depp's baldric. I did a search but haven't come up with anything concrete. The reason I ask is I got one from Sith World (the mid-grade buckle - looks like it was recasted from the Zizzle toy) But it seems so big. I was a little bummed it was such a thin casting. Any thoughts? And anyone know of any other places to get a more accurate buckle? Does Toby sell them?
Anyone know the approximate measurements of the actual buckle on Depp's baldric. I did a search but haven't come up with anything concrete. The reason I ask is I got one from Sith World (the mid-grade buckle - looks like it was recasted from the Zizzle toy) But it seems so big. I was a little bummed it was such a thin casting. Any thoughts? And anyone know of any other places to get a more accurate buckle? Does Toby sell them?

I will post the dimensions based upon my buckle tonight. It will fit a 2 - 2 1/2 inch belt blank.
Thanks! Yeah, this one I have is 4x6 inches and for some reason I feel like it's too big. Maybe I just got used to seeing my smaller one and THIS is actually correct!
Thanks! Yeah, this one I have is 4x6 inches and for some reason I feel like it's too big. Maybe I just got used to seeing my smaller one and THIS is actually correct!

Thanks Capn! I guess mine is the correct size, I was just bummed coming from the almighty Sithworld, that it wasn't a thicker nicer cast.
Yeah! If it is his older buckles they are cast from the plastic baldric buckle. I was looking at my toy one last night and it is about 1/16th of an inch thick. To bad he didn't add thickness to it.

Get one from Richard Maldanado at ACME Brand. Not bad for $50.00 and it will last along time....or at least until POTC 4 is released!