Its Pink and Green and gunna be MEAN!!!

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What a thing to wake up to, lots still to do but what a good start, the first full skirt double pull and the curse is one step closer to being lifted !!! Or is it 2 steps back lol
Sure lots still to do but the extra effort in refinement was worth it. Milling of the body and other parts next.
This is as close as it gets.
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Got to tweak the under plate as it was always over sized till the hulls arrived but looks like its going to drop right into place :), not going to jump for joy till it all fits but things are looking good so far

I thought you were the optimist?
Its not getting any closer than that, PERFECT :thumbsup
Im amped to finish the armature and get that milled ASAP

It never went away bud just went to a huge amount of R&D, the last thing I want is to spend all this money and time and get it wrong, we've seen enough of that and this time it's war!!!

I still defy anyone can get this close from just photos, its a nightmare even with all the info we have now lol
The curve on the lower edge of the skirt is so obvious in the flesh but tilt it just a tiny amount towards you and it disappears, most photographs do not pic up the curve unless taken from the exact angle. One of the hardest things is remembering it's uneven and wonky like the prop so trying to keep it all wonky and not sanding out is proving confusing but I'm not so bright :)
Your giving all the *** **** secrets away!!!!!
The skirt is actually flat and what your seeing here is an optical illusion. Nothing more to see...... move along.
After a lot of carful consideration and some extremely hard work I can now start to build Slave 1.

Engine fit tests complete and I have never wanted to give a bottle of champagne to someone as much as I do right now.

Rob, we can't do anymore without going insane so consider this a very big "WE DID IT "

Let the fun begin :) and the curse be lifted once and for all

Massive GULP
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