It's a long shot- got any Captain Power props?


Well-Known Member
Loved this show back in 87- died too quick a death. Went as a munchkin to see a guy signing autographs at an amusement park in full Captain Power regalia- man that costume was DETAILED. Anyone have any props, pics of props or costumes? If I could do any armor, it'd be something from Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future.
Originally posted by Xizor@Mar 16 2006, 05:09 AM
Ok... Mr. Obvious here... who is  Captain Power?

old tv show, with interactive toys, screen shot out infrared that triggered the toys to eject the pilots in jets and stuff...... kind of cool, early 90s late 80s era, i had a few of the toys as a kid,
sven olsen from so many arnold movies was tank, the guy on the upper left

it was also written by babylon 5's J. Michael Straczynski to (theres one for all you useless fact fans)

I loved that show, I have all the episodes on a Fan-made DVD. No props here, jsut a fw of the crapy action figures.

I wonder what did happen to those suits, they are sick.
Oh my god. I remember that show from when I was kid. I love the armor.

Sunday was my 25th birthday, and my m-i-l warned me that things from childhood would start popping up make me feel old when no one remembered them - I had no idea that she meant this week. :(

I also remember that show. I have a few episodes on tape, and some of the toys stashed away in the basement somewhere. Good times.
Hell, I was quite a few years beyond munchkin age at the time and I enjoyed the show.
that was the show that made me want to own armor of some kind.

very VERY cool. i dont know if any replicas ever got made though.

Wow, I remember that. Very cool costumes and props for a low budget kid's is kind of cheesy. If I recall, the bad guys were CG. And check it out. They were making "boobie" armor way back then.
Marco Ent. Had some Capt. Power stuff alot of years ago. Mostly hand held stuff. But I think they had the bad guy armour. It was kinda cool. I would have to look at an old catalog to make sure. But that really doesn't help as he doesn't sell it anymore but it is out there some where.