Is this a legit Rick Ross PKD-II kit?


New Member
Found this out in my dad's garage and was wondering if this is a legit Rick Ross model or a reproduction.


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Looks legit to me. Most of the recasts of his work (like that one from Australia) are done in standard white resin.
Looks legit to me. Most of the recasts of his work (like that one from Australia) are done in standard white resin.
Well I have zero experience building props so do you think I should leave it as is or maybe find someone who could build it? How rare are these?
Definitely build it! It would be a great experience for you and the Rick Ross kits from that era are great interpretations of the blaster.
3D printed kits are all over now and might be a good first run for you too. I'm not sure if that one guy in the Project Runs forum is still offering them, but check there. Otherwise they're all over Etsy and such too.
Looks legit to me. Most of the recasts of his work (like that one from Australia) are done in standard white resin.

Tangentially related: what kind of resin IS this cast in? Both this and Dave Goldbergs snub kit seem to be cast in the same resin and I don’t recognize it as any of smooth-on’s standard resins (assuming it’s untinted).
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