Whatever the case may be, let's just hope 'third times the charm'. Icons and Master Replicas are in Prop Heaven and I would like to see the new kid on the block surpass them both.
IMO, a company that produces prop replicas as thier core product line cannot stay in business. Only sold as supplimental products can a company that offers prop replicas stay afloat - I submit Sideshow Toys as an example. They offer a great variety of 'fanboy' collectables and toys and throw in the occasional 1:1 scale replica.
I think one thing that Icons and MR failed to do was offer non-limited edition products that were easily accesable and in consumer demand. Items like toys or other inexpensive nick-nacks.
I suppose it could have been a licensing issue, or manufacturing issue - I really don't know.
I understand we have some Efx and former Icons and MR guys here and I mean not to speak of things I know nothing about. It's simply an observation I have made, although not a pretty one.
My first ever prop replica was Icon's Loki mask, which I still proudly own to this day and even though it took Icons ten centuries to ship it to me, I was so happy to get it and be happy with the product.
I hope that Qmx, Efx and whomever comes down the pike will stop at nothing (even in the face of uncertain business) to bring us fans high-end replicas of cinemas most iconic props and wardrobe pieces.
I say good luck. They will need it.
