Is an Altair Costume from Assassin's Creed possible?


Active Member
I'm looking to make or have made a Altair costume from the new game Assassin's Creed. If I could provide good pics of the costume, could someone on here make it?

This is my next project on the list (since my Jack Sparrow is almost done)...
Unfortunately I can't do one costume for you too, but I could share info and tips... :)
Man, that would be cool. My 18 month old son has seen me play it quite a bit (just walking and riding horses, no gore) and when he's walking around, I can tell him, "blend" and he folds his hands and walks with his head down.:lol
I'll see if I can get a video of it.
sorry for the side track.

The robe construction seems simple enough, but its the details that will make or break this thing. Looks prett involved.
Good luck.
Ok, I'm in the first phase of this project: Planning.

The first thing I'm doing is find some nice fabric, a good choice for the robe and cloak would be canvas or linen (but I like canvas the better), since them was used a lot in the middle age and looks like the texture used in the game (to me).
Natural Canvas Color

Then we should look for the other parts of his clothes, he has a light grey shirt and grey/tan pants...
The shirt could be linen, while the pants could be denim, cotton, or a lighter kind of canvas (still, in my humble opinion:D).


Then we need the fabric for the belt/sash. I think this could be every kind of fabric, using a color like this one:

(this fabric is 55% Rayon 45% Linen)

Then we should choose if we want to make the leather parts out of real leather or pleather (I would love real leather, but it could be quite pricey...)
And some kind of pleather could have a nice look and texture, like this one:

And for the details of his robes we could use a ribbon like this one:

This will be used for the "sleeves" of the , well, sleeveless robe...:p

Then we should work on the patterns, the robes, shirt, pants and hood looks fairly simple to achieve... We should create custom patterns for the large "belt", harnesses and for the boots (we could just cover a pair of cheap boots)...

Finally the accessories, the knives and sword, shouldn't be a problem, but we have to make the retractable blade from scratch (more or less, I've found this video-tutorial to make your own "gravity-extendable" blade HERE
But I'm working on a spring loaded version (still in planning stage...:rolleyes)

Then we should do the "armor" on his left arm, this could be done in many ways... Sculpting the piece and making a fiberglass or resin copy, out of cract foam, etc...

And the final stage (for me) will be some distressing/weathering to make it a little more "hollywood-real" LOL:D

Ok, this is my plan, when (if) I will start this costume I will post here my updates... I hope this could help:)
Might I suggest looking at some wools for the toprobe. Perhaps a wool crepe. Would give a nice texture, drape well, and be period as well (Cotton wasn't as available in the middle ages as it was generally imported from Egypt or India, and I'm pretty sure canvas is fairly modern). Keep the linen for the undertunic.

I'm looking forward to seeing some results on this project. This is a very cool costume. I love the whole assassin in white angle. Reminds me of Stormshadow.
Cotton Duck/Canvas is what I pictured this being made of as well.

If you are worried about the budget, you could mix leather and pleather. You could also laminate pig suede to a backing to make it appear thicker.
Hey Ryan! (and anyone else interested)
If you're still planning on making this costume, it wouldn't hurt to talk to Liam (EchoSix). He brought his Altair to DC and he could give you some great advise.|checkout=echosix

talk to Tsuyosa as well, his Altair was looking good but I'm not sure if he finished it or not.|checkout=tsuyosa
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I wanna make this one too. Had a costume party last weekend and ended up doing a Shaak Ti costume for my self. So maybe Altair for a next ones.