Iron Man Painting Help!

Hey Guys and Gals,

Looking to paint up an Iron Man suit that was made using the plastic trash can method. The problem I've been running into is that the paint just flakes/chips off the plastic, as it isn't porous enough to soak up the paint. Any idea on how to do a good paint-up and still keep the colors movie-accurrate looking? ANy specific type of paint or primer you'd recommend for this? I'd appreciate any assistance anyone could give me on painting this up. Thanks!

Funny you should ask! :love

I just POSTED THIS about foam armor, but he Adhesive Promoter is actually designed for plastics, so it would be great for the issue you're dealing with.

What I think would work:

Dupli-Color Adhesive Promoter ($7.99) - Add first (even before primer)
Dupli-Color Color Match - Dark Cherry Metallic (for your Ironman red)
Dupli-Color Color Match - Sunburst Gold (for your Ironman gold)

I'd love to hear how it comes out and what solution you go with!

Good luck! :thumbsup
you are going to want to get a primer specific for plastics, something like this: plastic primer. i haven't tried this out yet but i will be pretty soon on a captain america sheild im working on. after using this primer you should be able to use regular spray paint on top of it to finish up
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