Iron Man Mark VI (Work In Progress)


I try to do this awesome costume!..i Hope :)

i'm italian boy,my story begin november 2010,when i went to ''lucca comics & games'' and i see a iron man war machine costume,well i go home with an idea in my mind,i want to be IRON MAN! :D
i read more from internet and this forum and i start to do this idea REAL!
i buy craft robo..
i buy smooth on cast 320...
i buy arduino...
well...i buy so much things...for make it!!:lol
i post some video on my youtube channel..
now i post picture from my work...
thanks everybody for help me to do this work.
stay tuned!

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here my first problem..
i need your help to to details on helmet,i show you a pics to understand what i mean..
how can i do like the originals?
I see more helmet in this forum,and i see the perfect line for details..i try to do with dremel by hand..but is not perfect line you can see from my pics..i need some help for idea or from who alredy do this or something like this....
