Iron Man help


New Member
Ok I am new here and I have done my due searching before i decided to post. I have seen several post on Iron Man armor but being new I dont know which is best or who makes the best for the money or who I should talk to so if you elder members would be so kind as to help a noob out I would greatly appreciate it.
I believe you tried to contact me trough the PM. My Personal Mail was full, so i probably did not receive your PM. But i deleted old messages so they should get trough now.
The one I make is not bad either. Helmet only, no armor:rolleyes
Best armor go to TMP.
Hey Snake,

In reply to your topic here and the PM you've sent me...
My armor is a Nightmare Armor Studios kit.

For nearly perfect accuracy and an allround awesome piece of armor, go with TMP.
For the general movie Iron Man look, the NAS kit works great.

While TMP's is for the more 'die hard' big spenders around here :p
- no offence, because that is one sweet armor -
other kits will get you the look your going for aswell, if you're not into spending more than a couple of 1000 USD...

Either way, it's gonna cost you a fair amount of money, if it's quality stuff you're after.
Just my 2 cents.

Thanks guys. I know its going to be a very expensive undertaking and i have no problem with that I just want to get the best for my money. This is something I am doing for a couple reasons so as I said just want to know whats the best out there so i can figure how much i have to beg borrow steal and kill for lol