Iron Man Costume from Puerto Rico 100% complete see photos page 11 (pepakura)

Thanks for all the comments it is a honor. I working another couple things, i was very sick the last week, so i hope i can start making molds of some parts of my IM.

Glad you are feeling better! I work with a lot of engineers down in Puerto Rico pretty much on a daily basis. A lot of very talented and great folks down there! Congrats, and I look forward to seeing what you are working on next. :)
Hey my friend, you IM looking good so far. now i'm working with a new Boba Fett helmet kit for my friend ....painting, sanding RC antenna ect..., plus i'm waiting for my new latex muscle suit for my New Snake eyes costume. Selling a lot of star war items to make space in my garage and taking care of my kids $$$$$$ they are on vacation summer, so i don't have free time, as soon they start school i will continue making molding of my IM and other crazy projects.
Glad you are feeling better! I work with a lot of engineers down in Puerto Rico pretty much on a daily basis. A lot of very talented and great folks down there! Congrats, and I look forward to seeing what you are working on next. :)

Thank you. Nice to hear that.
How much are you charging for a kit of IM or just the casting molds? I am also on a budget because I just moved and my pep build has been put on hold because I don't have a lot of time to put into it. Thanks
Thanks for asking but i just have the mold of my helmet and shoulders, it will take time to finish molding the complete suit.
I have just become a member of TheRPF and this is my first post. I am amazed by your build and it has inspired me to complete my MK3, I just hope mine will be half as good as yours! Thank you for posting in detail all the different sections of the build. Once again, it's just amazing!
my goal is to make a suit as good as yours......minimum!!! ;-)

What is you Facebook page for us to see some extra fotos from this piece of art :)

You are the man!!! Fantastic stuff. This is one of the best IM suits EVER build!!!
probably the most impressive suit ive seen yet.
looks like you stole it right off the set! :) :)
def admiring your work
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