Introducing myself


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I am a sci-fi movie fan, Star Wars being my favourite. Seeing a lot of good info and great work done on replica props here, looks like I'll fit in well.

I don't have much, a single piece really. I used to have a Graflex, it had a 4-cell base, and had to part with it to fund other hobbies at the time. Well, just went to an antique market this past weekend, and the first vendor table I saw, there was a mint 2-cell Graflex (with reflector, and a flash bulb in it) and I bought it for $20.

So I'm happy to have a sabre again, but I'll not be happy til it's complete. :lol My quest for a 3-cell base begins.

I saw some posts about these Luxeon kits etc..., things have changed quite a bit since my first Graflex! Amazing components to add to these now! I think I'll need to look into a kit of some sort. :love

Welcome Akira!

This place will put a dent in your kids college fund. Beware....

P.S. is another fine forum for saber tech.
Thanks everyone. :)

Hopefully I can contribute further on various aspects of fabricating/collection of props. Looks like you guys have quite a lead on me. :lol
