Indy Leap of Faith


Well-Known Member
I finally got around to mounting the Leap of Faith painting that I got from PastorJedi a while ago. Here is how it went

I used a piece of baseboard molding for the planks and paintsticks to elevate the print since it was not stretched on a frame.

screwed it together using paint sticks

test fit

I used a circular saw set at a 30 degree angle on the edges and screwed down the paint sticks

stained with red mohagany stain

Pretty good job on that. The stain looks especially nice.

thank you. I would have like to have had the same wood but that would be tough. The other side had been stained with a lighter stain and some hadgot on the side. So that helped making it look older. I took a sharpy and drew a couple random lines that look like some of the cracks in the wood.

I am pleased with the way it turned out.
Gotta hand it to ya. You did a fantastic job of mounting that. I have a shroud that I got a while back from Pastor Jedi. he does some outstanding work(y)thumbsup
Great work! I have my base done. Now I just need to finish putting the print on the board it mounts to.