Indianapolis Indiana prop party

LoL Ham, yeah it is I'm overwhelmed (litterally LOL) anyway back on my feet again after some major kidney stuff, lets just say that sitting, walking, or standing for more then 5 minutes wasn't my thing for about a week. :angry

We are past the April 6th deadline that I set, so I'm full swing at printing out the remainder of the badges and packets for everyone. Please keep checking post 1 for updates.
Thanks wolverine, yeah had to cut caffine completely out of my diet, oh well better then the alternative.

made a quick update in the first post, had someone drop out so hopefully they can make it next year.
Um almost ready still lots to do, just finished up the last of the id badges, only had 2 people drop off the list so that isn't to bad.

Still have to finish the packets, draw up the room diagram, finish up and collect a couple more door prizes, nothing to major. (famous last words im sure :))

since the update to the system I might have to reaffirm some of the replies as they may have gotten lost when the update took effect, i've lost all my inbox messages :(
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Hey Sarge! This is David Syczylo (Boba Binks) you bringing Phil with you?
I have some questions for you guys. I need some help on a project. I will talk to you at the meeting.

I am going to bring a piece I test vacd today on my new (3rd) vac table I have built. My vac table army is growing. I need a bigger workshop.
Hey Sarge! This is David Syczylo (Boba Binks) you bringing Phil with you?
I have some questions for you guys. I need some help on a project. I will talk to you at the meeting.

I am going to bring a piece I test vacd today on my new (3rd) vac table I have built. My vac table army is growing. I need a bigger workshop.

Yeah, Phil's coming. :thumbsup

What all does everyone want me to bring? I've got-

Boba helmets
TIE helmets
Hannibal Lecter Heads
Cylon heads
Generic Arnold Schwarzenegger busts
V for Vendetta masks


5 days!

I just remembered my Galactica bridge phone. I'll bring it along. Also have a nice TOS phaser and just finished weathering a Time Bandits map. Not much, but I don't have a huge prop budget.

I'm looking forward to drooling over everyone elses collections.
Ok I will check back this week. What do you want to see. If you know I have it and you want to see it. LMK. If you don't know what I have you can guess but I may not be able to bring it.
Ok I will check back this week. What do you want to see. If you know I have it and you want to see it. LMK. If you don't know what I have you can guess but I may not be able to bring it.

Mark, since the new Ironman movie is about to come out I think people would love to see your helmet, and your harry potter collection, Rocket pack and of course Gort.

Everyone: I'll update the first thread later on today, waiting info on the t--shirts...
We're going to bring the sabers and some helmets and a few screen used items. (should I bring my Grinch ball?)

My various blasters and guns...
Oh...and the Trek collection, or a fair grouping anyway :)

My Pimp Phaser of course... You guys out here haven't seen that in person ;)

And whatever misc stuff I can think of ...
Would anyone be interested in donating anything as far as parts or greeblies for the kids to build with? I'm wondering how many we should plan for? If any?

And it's been my experience first hand that our kids (kids of proppers) have a respect factor already, they understand these objects and don't go around handling blindly or breaking things. I've always let my son handle my things and shown him how to respect them.he in turn shows his friends and cringes himself whenna friend gets too rowdy.

I think a showoff area should be provided for them for certain...they deserve it.

Sporak and I have been chatting about the party, and thought it might be a good idea to have a table where kids could make / display their stuff. I know if Fairytales comes, her kids will have some stuff to show off. How many kids will be there?
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