inception and lucid dreaming


Well-Known Member
This is a thread for anyone who has lucidly dreamnt and seen Inception.

I became a lucid dreamer several years ago and i saw several elements of my dream world in Inception. The element that stood out the most is when the subconcious projections become aware that the host is dreaming and they become violent towards anyone causing this realization. In my own dreams i've tried to convince my subconscious projections that i am simply dreaming and none of this is real. In every case they have tried to convince me that i am awake and this is real. Also they have become violent in some cases.

Please share any lucid dream moments you've had that tie into the ideas of inception.
Do you mean being aware it was a dream while you were dreaming it? Yeah that's happened to me. Nothing so elaborate as you describe, just mundane stuff I knew was a dream.
I've known I was dreaming quite a few times, but paid it no mind because the dreams were VERY cool... Usually they end shortly afterward and I desperately struggle to get back into the dream!!
When I was in college I actually did a case study on lucid dreaming and had 20 test subjects help me out. I figured out how to be aware of my dreams when i was young, prolly around 9 yrs old.

Its real easy you just need "triggers" until you can realize it on your own. For example, what I made the test subjects do, was get a black marker and draw a big 'x' on the back of their left hand. Then throughout the day whenever you see the 'x' on your hand keep telling yourself that you are dreaming. Throughout the day youll be subconciously training yourself to know when you see an 'x' on your left hand you're are dreaming. When it comes time to go to bed and and while you're dreaming chances are youll see the 'x' on your hand and that will be the trigger and you should realize its just a dream.

Granted it doesnt happen over night, when I did for the case study it was for 15 days, and the outcome was about 70% success rate if I recall.
Yeah my wife has the ability to control any "bad dream" and almost all of her normal or good dreams. It seems that a little bit of stress wakes her to a slightly higher level of being awake, without being fully awake. She told me about this years ago and I thought she was thinking she could do it but that her actually doing it was a dream. Turns out I was wrong she can it, is pretty cool. As for me I am a slave to my dreams until I wake up. I may try to condition myself to lucid dream. That might be nice.
So pleez! Tellz me aboot your muthza!
I would very much like to be able to control my dreams. Every once in awhile I realize I'm dreaming, but like others, it's usually boring stuff.

When I was in college I actually did a case study on lucid dreaming and had 20 test subjects help me out. I figured out how to be aware of my dreams when i was young, prolly around 9 yrs old.

Its real easy you just need "triggers" until you can realize it on your own. For example, what I made the test subjects do, was get a black marker and draw a big 'x' on the back of their left hand. Then throughout the day whenever you see the 'x' on your hand keep telling yourself that you are dreaming. Throughout the day youll be subconciously training yourself to know when you see an 'x' on your left hand you're are dreaming. When it comes time to go to bed and and while you're dreaming chances are youll see the 'x' on your hand and that will be the trigger and you should realize its just a dream.

Granted it doesnt happen over night, when I did for the case study it was for 15 days, and the outcome was about 70% success rate if I recall.
You guys are seriously that skeptical about people being able to control their dreams?

Well, it's an interesting topic at the very least. I can see the skepticism though (as I am in the same boat on this).

However, if it was proven (and achievable for most people with some conditioning exercises), heck, I'd spend a good chunk of my life in bed having kick a$$ dreams!!! (our lives would begin to mimic the movie 'Surrogates' , with the exception of actually having robot clones out there doing the stuff we're controlling)
You guys are seriously that skeptical about people being able to control their dreams?

Really? There are 1000s of case studies on this, and has been well documented since the 1860's. Its existence is well established in the scientific field. I think its great that a movie is making people talk about it and making people aware. Although its nothing like what happens in inception.

Another type of "dream state" that often occures with Lucid Dreaming is "false awakening" or a dream within a dream, although they are more common. Also with lucid dreaming, you may be aware that you are dreaming but you still cant do anything about it, but the act of knowing in your dream that you are dreaming is also lucidity. Most people experience that a few times a year.

As I posted above, I learned at an early age, does that mean I can do it everytime I have a dream? Nope, but for people that are younger it is a means to try and treat severe nightmares, which I had for years.
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I been doing a dream diary since 2006 in which i write what happens in my dreams and everything i can remember when i wake up, This will later help me remember and recognize dream signs. Dream signs helps me figure out that i am in fact dreaming.

It has been a few years since my last lucid dreaming but it was really cool :)
I can control mine all the time--I can wake when I dont like that way it is going, I can usually control when I am flying, and I am pretty much aware of what is going on. I did have one the other day where I absolutely couldnt move or talk--was weird no matter how I tried. So I just woke myself up!!!
I've been married for 16 years and have a 4 1/2 year old and a 9 month old plus two cats!

I haven't dreamed in ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time!
As far back as I can remember, I have been able to manipulate bad dreams to a positive outcome.

I wonder if it is true that if you die in your dream that you die in real life as well. Anyone ever died while dreaming? I have dreams where I was crashing in a plane or falling from a cliff, yet I always realised as I was crashing/falling that I was dreaming, and was able to change the outcome.
I did some studies on lucid dreaming back in high school and later in college, but was never able to fully condition myself to trigger lucidity. Simply knowing techniques and learning about the topic did allow me to experience a few lucid dreams which were amazing, except once I realized I was dreaming and could then control what was happening, I would wake up within minutes.

The best lucid dream I had, instead of flying or the other fairly standard "activities" -- I attempted some telekenesis and Jedi force powers. I remember when it actually "worked" in the dream, I still wasn't quite aware that it was not real and remem thinking, "Holy crap, I'm going to be the most successful magician ever!" (At the time, I had been studying illusion and performance magic with a focus on PK effects.)

Anyone remember those "Lucid Dreaming" glasses that used to be advertised in magazines? They were basically black glasses with LEDs that would sit over your eyelids while sleeping. Using a timer, or sensor - when you went into REM sleep, it would trigger some flashes and/or an audio beep. When you experienced this in your dream, it would be your cue to become lucid. Supposedly this method worked very well, but they were really expensive so I never had a set. Might have to go look and see if any are for sale on Ebay now. :)
How does one explain the sense of levitation and falling when fast asleep. I have experienced this in my sleep to the point where it wakes me up.