Imperial Wall Decorations


New Member
Hello All-

I am feverishly in progress of revamping my home theatre and, when finished, I hope it will look like a room one might find on the Death Star or an ISD. So far, the room is built, primed, and painted. I am going to make a series of raised patterns on the walls as well as the elongated circular lights on both sides of the screen. The pocket doors will look like some sort of Imperial blast door and I have a ton of Imperial stuff inside the room (lightsabers, costumes, SS props, etc.).
Does anyone have any plans/pictures/etc. of any type of Imperial decorations? I was thinking the security cameras on the Death Star, scomp interfaces, etc.

Ha! Too funny! I will try to get some WIP pics posted soon! I've been slacking so much in there I decided to move a lot of my stuff into the theatre before it's complete.
I have a lot of woodwork to do for the walls. I've torn down my ceiling as I intend to make lots of piping/conduit run the length of the ceiling like on the bridge of an ISD.
I was hoping some people knew how the original set designers made items like the SCOMP interface, door controls, or the detention block greeblies on the walls.
I started collecting a bunch of large colored buttons which I intend to backlight with LED's. I don't think they'll be functional, but I want them on some walls for display.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Love the project man, funny enough I am in the process of building out my Theater/Poker room in this very style too! I've been working for about 2 years, trying different things, and with the help of this site, I have redone and expaned on my project.

Trust me my friend, if you are looking for ideas, refrence material, or know how its all over this forum.

I've thrown in some pics of what I am working on, and a few refrence images I have found online that I have used as a base for my design.

keep updating, I'd love to see how things are progressing for you!