Image Request - Lucas amidst his toys...


Master Member
Does anyone have an on-line image of the shot of George Lucas standing in the archives with all the props and models surrounding him?
I just scanned in a 2076 X 2862 of this into my computer from an OLD VHS tape I had kicking around.


It's not great, and it looks like it's scanned off a VHS box from the 80's, but better than nothing maybe?

Shoot me an e-mail if you want me to send you the big-a$$ version.

Are the books The Art of Special Effects and Into the Digital Realm any good?
I think so... :)

They're both very large (and heavy) coffee table books - very nice paper, hardcover, with some beautiful fold-out pages featuring widescreen composite shots from various films... a lot of the material may not be new information (especially now, as the first book was put out almost 20 years ago), but it's all put together in a very nice package...

Amazon's still got a few new copies left, and sells them both together for around $110 - well worth it, as the original retail was around $80 each - I don't think either of these was ever reissued in paperback....

BTW, the Lucas picture *is* in there, on page 42 - I'll see if I can get it scanned later...
Life magazine, or perhaps it was Smithsonian magazine used this photo as well. I don't remember how it was cropped but it may be of use to you.