If Austin Powers had a James Bond like Gadget...


Well-Known Member
I came up with this idea back when Goldmember was in production. I realized that Austin had no Bond-like gadgets - ordinary items that were secret technology in desguise. But, since this is Austin & a comedy, it had to be something cool, but that would compliment Austin's 'mojo' if you will. So I came up with: The Condom Comm. My thoughts were that Austin and his girl are captured by Dr. Evil, put in a holding cell or some torturous device and the girl is like: "Austin, what are we gonna do?!?!" And Austin whips out the Condom Comm which we see from the outside at first - and she reacts: "I hardly think it's time for that!" Then Austin flips it open and calls for help. This prop was actually shown to the producers who liked the idea, but filming had already started and it takes months to get a name brand cleared for shooting. Hope you like it!

Cool idee and a nice touch with the startrek EMRG button :)
How hard would it have been for them to just put a made up brand on the condom com instead of using a real brand.
I pretty sure the scene where Austin's dad asks him where his gadgets are, is a direct result of my prop here - the production co. realized that they did not have gadgets for Austin, when my idea & prop were shown to them...