If a new SW prop licensee is chosen...

Sluis Van Shipyards

Legendary Member
There's a poll at Rebelscum.com about whether people would want a new licensee to make Star Wars props. If this did happen, do you think that Lucasfilm would have them regurgitate what's already been produced or do entirely new things?

When some companies have gotten the license to do Star Wars models, for example, often we just get the same stuff we've gotten since the 70's (X-Wing, Lambda Shuttle, Darth Vader TIE, etc.) because they know it sells. I have a bad feeling that if we get a new SW licensee that we may see something similar happen. No Bossk gun, Bowcaster, Bespin Guard blaster, just more Han blasters and lightsabers that everyone already owns.
If another company gets the prop license, to be profitable, they'd pretty much have to make the same pieces over again. MR covered just about all the iconic pieces.

I'd love to see a company make Han's ROTJ blaster and Chewie's bowcaster before remaking all of the sabers.
Honestly, I have a feeling that every new licensee is going to start with props and models that they know for sure will be sellers. And, as you can guess, those will the be OT sabers, maybe a few PT sabers and some OT blasters.

If those sell well, there may be a move to more obscure, secondary character props. But by the time they come to produce those, they may have lost (or given up) the license, like MR did.

No company in their right mind is going to start off with obscure props that only true fans will know. Plus, they know that there are people who didn't get the OT sabers from MR and there are people who will buy the same prop over and over again as long they're from different manufacturers.

I'm afraid that any company that gets the license will start off with the basic props, just to get a foothold in the industry.

Those are my thoughts, too. They would feel the need to do the iconic pieces. Personally, if another prop replica license was granted, I'd hope that they could pepper in some obscure props with the things that we've come to expect. I'd have to REALLY think long and hard to re-purchase props I already have in the collection.
Heres my worry, they make the same ol time tested X-wings graflex sabers etc. and then...

They dont sell well because most of the people that have the kind of money to pay over 300 US for a saber either allready have 1 (probably alot more) or they are looking to go the authentic real graflex with a conversion etc.

And if the time tested "main" props dont sell, why in the world would they think of doing something awesome like bossks gun?

See what Im saying? we already have MR pieces that were "rare" being sold everyday... so why buy a newer companies same ol thing?

I say that they are going to HAVE TO (which they wont) make newer never done props, or REALLY step up in the proffesional weathering dept.

Or fail like the others before them.

Or have MR and Corgi give us a nice christmas present of SUPRISE we got SW back! Along with a long list of really cool stuff they should have already done!

But yeah, not gonna happen. :(
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As long as they make accurate props and not just kind of accurate props labeled as accurate like MR have i don't mind what they make
I'd like them to tackle some of the prequel blasters like the droid blaster, clone blasters, Zam's blaster, the Naboo blasters, etc.
Hasbro continues to make Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker action figures. There will always be a demand for the iconic items... be it prop replicas, figures or whatever. Granted, a prop replica is on a much grander scale and some might guess that Master Replicas figured out that they lost their "bread and butter" type items... and their chance to introduce a line that could keep those items, at a lower price (ie, more sales?) kinda backfired on them (the Collectors Edition) with their core audience.

I look at my CE Qui Gonn Jinn lightsaber hilt and see virtually the same quality as a the higher end products, the obvious difference being the display and the editions being infinite. I wonder what might have been had the CE's come out when MR started...
Well, they could do an ACCURATE Obi ANH (that's still lacking from licensed releases).

Also, they could throw a bone to both the hardcore AND casual collectors. Produce items that haven't been done before as premium replicas, and release all the 'rehash' items as budget items (and not like the CE line, which wasn't really much of a bargain after all).

I still firmly believe that a correctly detailed/scaled replica of lesser materials (mostly plastic) with a below $100 retail would put a sabre in the hands of every man, woman, or child that wanted one. Seriously.
If a company wanted to make quality Studio Scale models like MR made, there's a lot more room for well known items in that lineup. I wonder if that's part of the blanket prop license of if ships could be a seperate thing?
im curious if those that have larger MR prop collections are going to be rebuying the same items again this time...how many sabers do we already have/how many do they really need to make/how many are they going to rehash...is there really much room for improvement ?
There's always going to be new collectors who missed out on runs who WANT to own graflexes, and all major props from this liscense. It only makes sense to release sabers. Sure money.
im curious if those that have larger MR prop collections are going to be rebuying the same items again this time...how many sabers do we already have/how many do they really need to make/how many are they going to rehash...is there really much room for improvement ?

I guess it´s the same as with the action figures or other collectibles. The oldtimers will try to fill gaps in their collections, the younger ones will eat up all that new stuff and try to complete those series. Take a look around, the oldtimers sell or sold their prequel stuff and went back to vintage stuff, and I guess the same would happen with a new licensee. And don´t forget, if there is no rekindled interest in SW over the next few years throught the tv series, the merchandise is going to disappear. Already happening.

I just hope the new licensee makes a Han ROTJ blaster. :D

A General Grievous blaster would rock too. And a Mace EP1 saber, Mundi's sabers, etc., etc. ;)
Somehow, I think it's going to be a while until a new licensee is "passed the torch" so to speak. Considering how well MR replicated most of the OT props and faithfully reproduced the PT ones, there really is an abundance of props out there.

As was said, the new licensee would most definitely start with the iconic OT pieces. It's just good business sense. I could imagine steering off in a direction that MR didn't get a chance to go ie. Bossk's gun, bowcaster, obscure misc. props, but each new licensee will continue to flood the market essentially making the "old" stuff worth less and less:unsure

Hopefully there will be a couple years inbetween........................
Well, with the TV series coming, I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities for new replica props. Hopefully, they'll be very bounty hunter minded. :love