

I'm looking for a fabric to cover the mouth of my mau5 head that you can see out of fairly clearly but can't see into. Any ideas?

I was thinking about that but I don't think it would work too well since it is the same transparency on both sides plus it is really thin so it may show the mesh underneath.

I'm looking for a fabric to cover the mouth of my mau5 head that you can see out of fairly clearly but can't see into. Any ideas?

You can basically see through any medium to lightweight woven or knit fabric in good lighting, and it can't really be seen into because there isn't any light on inside to shine through the fabric. I don't know anything about mau5 or what the costume looks like , but you only need a narrow slit to see through which will minimize any light getting inside and bouncing back out.

I would suggest you go to the fabric store and try "peering" though some fabrics that would suit your need otherwise in kind and color and pick the one you can see through the best that also meets the other requirements.

I was thinking about that but I don't think it would work too well since it is the same transparency on both sides plus it is really thin so it may show the mesh underneath.


No fabric that I know of has a different transparency on either side.

When you're looking to have something you can see out of but can't be seen back through, you're looking to take advantage of what is sometimes called "the scrim effect." When you view scrim in even lighting it is highly transparent, but when you exaggerate the lighting differential on each side, the fabric from the brighter side appears opaque, and when viewed from the darker side it appears transparent.

Try it out. It's the same reason why your windows become mirrors at night but are completely clear during the day.

You can basically see through any medium to lightweight woven or knit fabric in good lighting, and it can't really be seen into because there isn't any light on inside to shine through the fabric. I don't know anything about mau5 or what the costume looks like , but you only need a narrow slit to see through which will minimize any light getting inside and bouncing back out.

I would suggest you go to the fabric store and try "peering" though some fabrics that would suit your need otherwise in kind and color and pick the one you can see through the best that also meets the other requirements.


I figured I'd end up at the store trying stuff out, I was just hoping someone had already dealt with this and found a material that they had a good experience with.

No fabric that I know of has a different transparency on either side.

When you're looking to have something you can see out of but can't be seen back through, you're looking to take advantage of what is sometimes called "the scrim effect." When you view scrim in even lighting it is highly transparent, but when you exaggerate the lighting differential on each side, the fabric from the brighter side appears opaque, and when viewed from the darker side it appears transparent.

Try it out. It's the same reason why your windows become mirrors at night but are completely clear during the day.


Awesome info, I will definitely try this out. I have to mount a light somewhere behind the mouth. This is what my mouth will look like, I just don't want the light to show everything on the inside like his.


Any ideas or do you think it will just be trial and error?

Thanks for the info guys.
I agree with LEDproject's suggestion. Metal mesh probably painted to your preference. As far as the light idea goes... one idea would be that you'll need some sort of strategically placed directional lighting so it does not illuminate/show everything on the inside (yea practically trial and error, lol).
I agree with LEDproject's suggestion. Metal mesh probably painted to your preference. As far as the light idea goes... one idea would be that you'll need some sort of strategically placed directional lighting so it does not illuminate/show everything on the inside (yea practically trial and error, lol).

My plan already is to use metal mesh (1/4") for the mouth but it needs to be wrapped otherwise you can see directly through the holes. I think I am going to try and mount a hardhat led lamp on the front of the helmet inside aimed at the mouth. We'll see how that goes!