Iconic Movie (and TV and Comic) Rings


New Member
With Green Lantern currently being hyped, it got me thinking about iconic movie rings.
(My thinking went along the lines of, if I invest in ring modelling wax and tools to make a Green Lantern ring, what else will I be able to make?)

Obviously there is Green Lanterns power ring, and the rings of the other Lantern Corps, but what about all the other awesome rings from Movies (and TV and Comics).

What ring would you want, given the chance?
Ohh, there's quite a few I'd quite like!

- Charlie's Drive Shaft ring from Lost
- The Master's ring from Dr. Who
- The Legion ring from Smallville
- Clark's classring from Smallville

Probably many more too if I thought about it!
Already a thread on this but I have been wearing my Magnum P.I. Team ring for 10 years now.
The Flash's ring; Barry Allen's version in which he hid his Flash costume. The comics' Legion of Superheroes flight ring. Any of the other Lantern Corps rings -- red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, violet, black or white. The Horcrux ring from Harry Potter. The "lesser" rings of the Elves, Dwarves and Men from Lord of the Rings. That oughtta keep you busy! ;)

What ring would you want, given the chance?

Just watched Alice last weekend. I would love
to have the Stone of Wonderland ring, but I can't
even find any pictures of it on the Internet. Only
one graphic representation of it from a game??
And it was more or less the Star of the show??

Oh, and the box it was in, that was cool, too.

I just watched "Sorcerer's Apprentice". I kinda liked Merlin's Dragon ring and; while I've always been a fan of GL & the Flash, I really always wanted Aragorn's ring.
Yeah, love that Dragon ring........
....copied over from the 'Famous movie jewelry' thread...

Skinny Dog's Dragon ring for the Sorcerer's Apprentice...
Now THAT is a Dragon ring!!!


Stallone wears a neat looking "lucky" ring in the Expendibles. I don't think it's "Iconic" unless it gets more screen time in the sequel.
Iron Man's nemesis, the Mandarin's ten rings.
Ringo Kali cult ring from Help!.
The Duke's key ring from Richard Lester's Three Musketeers (or was it Four Musketeers?)
