I know I'm new, but... Falcon info.

I'm sure this is old, but I just noticed the decal above the cockpit appears to be two together. The highway 1 sign and a red triangle that you see on the sides of jet cockpits.




OK, here's what I could gather...

1/From "Lucasfilm magazine", the french "Star Wars Insider"...unfortunately no blueprints there but to pics that might tell you a bit more about the actual life size falcon :



And I suggest you this book :


Where you can find many reference shots and a blueprint of the cockpit. Unfortunately (again) those are mainly from ANH and not ESB...



Hope that helps...:)
Thanks, soloyan. That is some great stuff. I think I will look into getting a copy of that book. Even though it may be of the ANH ship, there will need to be some preferential modifications anyways, right? It's a good place to start from in any case.

Also, that's very interesting what you found clutch. I saw the photo about the highway 1 sign before, but I didn't know about the 'cockpit triangle' bit. :cool
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