I can haz Extremis nao?



To save on time and to make sure the thighs would be symmetrical I made a model for them out of craft foam. Then I put them on my duct tape dummy legs, filled in the oval detail with a quick clay sculpt then molded them and finally bondoed any wrinkled areas after I cast them.


Unfortunately I only had the suit on for 5 mins so I only have a few pics of the entire suit. Sorry about that top pic. I can't seem to get rid of the empty white space.
You make the molding and casting of armor pieces seem so easy.

Thanks!...I guess it seems that way when you just throw up a few pics lol. Honestly, I felt exactly same way about your suit. It just seemed to come together so quickly and flawlessly...kinda makes me wish I had gone the foam route :rolleyes
Very nice work. This may be tacky to ask, but how much do you think it cost in materials? Just thinking of how much silicone it would take to mold that many large parts makes my head spin.
I never saw this project before. This came out amazing.
amazing sculpting talent.

thanks for necro-ing this. I don't mind ;)
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