Hulkbuster Iron Man Computer modeling

OK guys I hope you are excited as I am!!!!! I FINALLY got the shoulder bells FINISHED!!!!!! Those octagon plates almost killed me but i am very happy with the way they look! Here are the pics



Thanx Bimmer...

I left the octagonal pieces by themselves without combining them back into the shoulder bell itself... I figured that it should make the pep work simpler as well as making it easier to physically make in paper...

Next I seek to conquer the chest. I really need to get the original Bowen sculpture to have as I model, but alas my wife thinks it is too much.....

More pics soon guys....
Thanx Bimmer...
I left the octagonal pieces by themselves without combining them back into the shoulder bell itself... I figured that it should make the pep work simpler as well as making it easier to physically make in paper...

Next I seek to conquer the chest. I really need to get the original Bowen sculpture to have as I model, but alas my wife thinks it is too much.....
More pics soon guys....

Awesome modeling work so far. Can't wait to pep this. Thanks for all your hard work. :thumbsup
I appreciate all of the comments guys!!!! I would being lying my butt off if I told you that I am NOT excited to see a whole bunch of guys building this suit. I think that something this cool should open for everyone to build!!!

Besides bigger guys need cool suits as well!!!
Jeffx this is looking sooo good man, i am really excited that this is becoming a reality, i was wondering when if not ever someone was going to tackle this suit
Thanx for all of the encouragement guys. The build continues although slowly because this is the craziest season for my family. I have 3 jobs as does my wife. I steal whatever time I can to work on it.

I was looking to try and get most of the suit built before we start unfolding it. It may not be the smartest way to go about it I just thought that it would be better that way. instead of people sitting around waiting for the next piece they could just start building and finish it without having to wait for me....

What do you guys think.... would you like the individual pieces before the whole build is finished????
I think if you release the parts as you go, it may drive you to continue.
seeing others progress and giving feedback may help you improve.
Well guys I have some great news and some bad news....

Great news My daughter is soon to be married!!!!!

Bad news.... I need to go get another job in the evenings to be able to pay for it. All of my free time just withered away...

Good news.. I will be releasing all of the models that i have for guys to build if you choose to but i am not going to have time to finish any more of my modeling on the rest of the suit.

I apologize to everyone for getting your hopes up but i have to take care of my family first. Public School teaching just doesn't pay what it should.
Hey just checking to see if there has been any progress on the hulkbuster?!? haven't seen any updates in a while and the progress on this looked very promising. I'm not a big guy by any means but i plan to start my own mk3 suit and would love to start working on a hulkbuster for a friend of mine. look forward to seeing some new stuff!!
well, several month ago i`ve makes my alphonse elric costume, it`s just looks like this armor, the problem is in armpit to arm, well basicly the human arm-armpit was not so width like the armor, and it necessary to makes the armor looks bulking, or it may looks like a dwarf
If you guys go so far as to build one, I can offer VERY good advice on how to overcome the armpit problem. So please contact me if you get that far. I will point out...the space inside the suit is large enough to have seperated sholders and elbows, just make a skelton of the correct size(for the suit, not the person), and slide your arms up and down the shaft of the forarm to make up for the size diffence form human to suit. This will cost you the abilty to use your hands unless you make remote hands, I am currently making a Bumblebee with full function remote hands
. I also have a Hulk with the seperated sholders seen hereExtreme Costumes's Photos - Extreme Costumes | Facebook If you have any questions, just PM me, and good luck!
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