Hulkbuster Iron Man Computer modeling


New Member
I just wanted to show everybody what I have been working on lately... i am building the Hulkbuster Iron Man in Maya. I think that it would be cool to see other guys that want this suit to have access to it.
As soon as I finish it, if we can get it unwrapped (i haven't messed much with Pepakura designer). I wish to release it to whoever would like to build the suit.

Check it out,
Nice work ! if that gets put into pep files it will be my next build for sure, warmachine will be on hold, i am sure someone on here will help you out with the pep designer part, maybe msg Robo for advice on who to ask, he may even help you out, cant wait to see more for sure!!!
I am glad you like the work so far!!!! I have significantly improved it from yesterday.
One of the big things that I had to do, to make it work, is to match it up to human proportions. All of the designs put the shoulders six inches outside of my or your shoulders.....
New pictures to come soon.
I think the head shape of the sculpt is not quite a semisphere. It's a bit more like a very rounded-tipped triangle whose sides are not straight. Pretend you were hovering directly over the nose of the space shuttle, and you'll kind of notice what I mean.
Yea now that you mention it, the helmet looks to round. The figure that I have in front of me is much more saucer like. Like an up side down wok. Easy fix though I will work on it and repost. Thanx for the observation!!!!!!

I love constructive criticism.
Here is some more Helmet progression.


Looks great man . something tthat would be cool is if you did make it bigger and you had a way to look out through the chest. it would give a really imposing pressence! keep up the work on maya.
If i have time, i am willing to unfold :) I unfolded all the War Machine files for JUICE. (My other name is Dubean33)
Hulkbuster's presence is really imposing to start off with... I am 6 foot tall and i'm thinking that with the suit on I would about 7-7 1/2 foot tall. Tony Stark wears this suit on the outside of his other suit as it is, so it engulfs him.

Dubean I would really appreciate the help. I haven't unfolded one yet but I am really looking forward to learning. I am a computer modeler at heart and this is just a cool way to give back and exercise my inner nerd at the same time.
Thanx for the reference shots!!!! I have been looking for the best shots out there and the Mark VI shot is awesome. This next week I really want to redefine the face!!!! I am NOT happy with the way that it currently looks.. It looks OK'ish but that is NEVER the way I work. It is either perfect or it is not finished yet.

The Mark VI is the one that I am working on. What really amazes me is how different each suit is and they are supposed to be the same one.... The action figure that I have for quick reference is so OFF... The one you posted is the look that I am going for because I think it looks the coolest!

Well I will be back modeling on it tomorrow, and I will hopefully be able to post significantly improved shots then.
Well guys I hope to NOT disappoint!!!!! Here is the helmet in polygon unsmooth mode. I think that it is done. I am finally happy with it. I wanted to make him look more ticked off, and add the extra details. Also I shaped the helmet differently so that it matches the profile shots that I have seen. The last shot shows you the chest (smoothed) with the helmet (unsmoothed, I hate how smoothing makes the face mask look)....





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Hey I really wanted to thank CSMacLaren for his constructive criticism!!! Once I stepped back and really looked at my work, I wasn't content any longer with the way that it looked before. Now I am stoked
By the way, Kagn MASSIVE thanks for the new shots!!!! I love the side profile with the great look at the bi and triceps. It amazes me how many shots are still out there that I haven't found after the hours that i have spent looking for reference photos.

Spiderkiller11 your comment is the whole reason that I have working on this!!! I am glad that I am not the only one excited about this suit.
Nice work the new helmet looks GREAT, very impressive, jeffx did you watch the video of this bust i linked you? it shows the back of the bust as well