Hudsucker Proxy apron rivets

LeoCor Replicas

Sr Member
Found myself watching my traditional New Year's movie, "the Hudsucker Proxy", and I got the idea to try and recreate the apron Tim Robbin's wears for the first and latter parts of the film, being that it's actually my favorite Coen film, and I'd love to have a piece representing the film in my collection. However,I just noticed that it has embossed rivets with the Hudsucker logo.

Considering the specificity of the design on such a piece, what do you all recommend for recreating this piece? I had the idea to maybe model and 3D print some, but I do have concerns over how sturdy they'd be. Maybe I could create some as covers for the actual set of rivets on such an apron?

Lemme know if you have any ideas!

Happy New Year!
