How to strip the paint off Romans Grenade?

Spirit of ob1

Master Member
Does anyone know a good way to strip the paint off romans grenade without damaging it?

I asked my girl to bring it and she just threw all the pieces in a bag and the grenade got all chipped:angry:angry:angry. Now i need to repaint it.:angry
What's it made of? Lacquer thinner will work, but it will
dissolve styrene and other plastics. Resin or metal would
be fine. I've also used lacquer thinner to remove paint
from fiberglass with no problem.

Roman's grenade is aluminum, but I'm not sure it's painted.
IIRC they were anodized. If that's the case you'd have to paint over it. The finish won't come of without a lot of sanding.

I thought anodizeding was alot stronger :(
so my only option it to paint over it?? whats the best paint for this?
Won't drano strip off the anodizing. I know they also have a de-bluing solutions they use for guns. You can get it at Wal-Mart.
Post a picture, someone might be able to tell, or ask the previous owner. Acetone will affect most paints unless someone got clever and used a baked enamel or something, so you can test it that way. If it's anodized an anodizing place can get it off for you for a price, or maybe one of the home remedies involving acid--but be careful there as the stuff's dangerous.
The only way to take anodizing off is to remove a layer of aluminum. I took the anodized layer off mine with Easy Off...WARNING DO NOT TRY UNLESS YOU LOOK INTO WHAT IT DOES TO ALUMINUM AND YOUR SKIN.

Easy Off actually eats aluminum, will eat clear through aluminum foil in about 30 minutes. As a result you could leave the grenade pitted or at least very un-smooth. This works GREAT if you want a weathered grenade because it ends up making the aluminum look like steel that's been rusting in dirt for 20 years (not rusty looking but pitted and rough). I wanted this look so that's what I did.

I am thinking of posting a tutorial on how to get the aluminum grenade to look like a rusted steel grenade, unfortunately I didn't think of the tutorial in time to take before pics of the grenade before I let the Easy Off at it.
Here is a pic of the grenade
