How to remove paint from leather?

Lukes Roommate

Well-Known Member
I have some vintage leather that has a few paint daubs on it, not sure what type of paint it is though.
Does anyone know how to go about removing it?
Most paint removers will damage the finish on the leather. You might try mineral spirits or acetone, but test on a spot first. It also depends on the type of paint you need to remove as to what solvent will take it off.
Acetone should do it, but may remove some leather dye if there is any. I'd try a bit of rubbing alcohol first. It's less likely to rub a light spot in your dye. (again...if there is any.

Depends on the type of leather too.. if it's rough-out leather, like suede, you might could carefully sand or scrape off the drops, then re-condition..and unless you're very careful with the solvent, you could end up spreading it into the surrounding area..Use a small applicator, like a q-tip and lift it off.. don't rub it in..
Thanks for the tips so far.
It's a smooth horsehide (the item is a vintage baseball glove from the 1910's).
It's not in my possession yet, but once it is I will have to take a closer look...
DON'T use acetone or any kind of solvent on it... You'll be very, very sorry. Either leave it alone, or use an Exacto to carefully scrape the paint off. It'll leave a scar, but it will look much more natural than the enormous, smeared, discolored mess a solvent's going to make.

'Course if it's a really big paint spot, a little knife's not going to work, and I would recommend refinishing the entire glove. But that's not as hard as it sounds. PM me if you decide to go that route.
Combination of xacto & acetone applied a little at a time with an appropriate sized brush.

Don't be stingy with your patience and your time.
Thanks for the help guys.
I'm going to try the knife route first, as the dabs of paint are rather small. I'm also going to ask a local shoe repair place for any hints they might have.