how to display flynns arcade tokens...

Ttam Legacy

Well-Known Member
This is the display that I made for my 7 arcade tokens. The one by the top is the smaller token from electronica.

Shadow box from wal-mart 8.00.

Glued black posterboard to the backing of the shadow box.

Then used velcro to place the coins in the shadow box so that they stand off of the back about a quarter of an inch.

Yeah, I know, big woop. lol Just wanted to show everyone so that if they had the same idea, this is what it might look like. :)

HAIL THE RPF!!!!!! :)
That's pretty nice. I need to come up with a display for my set, right now they are sitting in a box in coin sleeves...:confused
I've got a bunch of stuff from the Arg that I'd like to display better. Right now it's all just on a shelf.

Cool idea, heck with a larger shadowbox, one could have a fan of the postcards, the pins and the rest.
It was a shadowbox frame I bought at Michaels. They are almost always on sale for $20, I removed the glass and relined the back with black velvet. I inserted dowel rods thru the back that correspond to the screw holes in the baton so it has no visible supports. The tokens are held in place with clear plastic tubing. The disc uses the stand it comes with and one dowel attached to the back. Took a couple of hours and turned out great.
where could i find tokens for sale?

Hey, like BlackMarketMagi said, eBay is your best bet, there are tons of sets up last time I checked. Just search SDCC Tron and/or Flynns Arcade Token and you should get several hits, just make sure the lot has the blue pouch or you might end up with something you don't want. A lot of sellers are hawking the ElecTronica tokens Disneyland is using at their Flynn's Arcade, which go for a quarter each, like they are rare or exclusive so keep an eye out for them.
Awesome I've been looking for a way to display my coins, identity disk, and nokia with chip when I finish it!!!
Thanks guys. Yeah I have the little blue coin holder thingy as well but it really didn't "fit" in. I also have one of the coasters, tried to work it in but it ended up looking better without.