The P2 body is very "accurate". The P1 body is a nightmare, but that is another, long, sordid, story... Ug. :confused
The original prop casting was EXTREMELY wonky/ warped/ assymetrical. So tell me what is "accurate"? If we did it just like Greg's, 75% of the customers would have returned it for being defective.
I recently checked the dims of the MR P-2 body for someone (I still have my original notes). The P-1 opening is within 13 THOUSANDTHS-of-an-inch in length. Many of the other dims are either within a few thousandths or are spot on. The only place it really varies is where we "cleaned it up". eg; the rear fin area is completely different from the left side to the right side. so, I picked a "middle" and split the difference.
So to complain about it being inaccurate is just...dumb. It will definitely continue on for years, and folks certainly have the right to say that, but I also have the right to say that is dumb. :lol
The only way to have an 100% ACCURATE replica is to have a warped, cork-screwed, assymetrical model. About 50 people would want it that way, the other 2450 would NOT. You can see which way I sided