How Many SS Tie Fighters have Solar Panels with Real Louver Material

Boba Debt

Master Member
I'm under the impression that there are not many that were built with the real louver material.

Does anyone know of a total number?
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Dave you mean the original models, right? Not replicas made by our group...?

Sorry - just clarifying your quesion. I do not know the answer, either way.
I wasn't aware that any of the filming models might have used anything but the koolshade material. Are you suggesting that they made resin versions of the koolshade?
I thought all ILM TIE's were Koolshade based? If you how many GK are built with Koolshade, not very many at all.

I'm not asking about real Ties.

I'm asking how many replicas have been produced with real louvered material.
Steve sourced enough of the newer koolshade for at least 5 TIEs back in 2006, and there was just a group of 13 orders recently filled by Matt (dragnink) for the vintage stuff. I don't remember how many were in Matt's previous run but it was probably about 20 so there's at least enough koolshade out there for 35-40 TIEs.