How hard would it be to make a resin copy of a Remington 870 receiver

falcon dude

Well-Known Member
How hard would it be to make a resin copy of a Remington 870 receiver in a way that would make it possible to use all the other metal parts from the Remington internals to work with it?
Yes I know Matt make a resin 870 but its all resin and I wanted as much metal as possible.
How hard would it be to make a resin copy of a Remington 870 receiver in a way that would make it possible to use all the other metal parts from the Remington internals to work with it?
Yes I know Matt make a resin 870 but its all resin and I wanted as much metal as possible.

You must be careful with this, made out of plastic or not what you are describing is manufacturing a gun receiver a Federal felony, unless you register it as a firearm...

IMO it's a slippery slope that is best avoided...

If you are looking for the realism get yourself one of the better airsofts...

Expensive but until fired no one will know it's not fake...
How can I be manucfacturing a receiver? Wouldnt a resin receiver just blow up if someone tried to use it with real shells? If it cant be made to fire, then how can it be a firearm?

You must be careful with this, made out of plastic or not what you are describing is manufacturing a gun receiver a Federal felony, unless you register it as a firearm...

IMO it's a slippery slope that is best avoided...

If you are looking for the realism get yourself one of the better airsofts...

Expensive but until fired no one will know it's not fake...
I doubt anyone will take this on for many reasons. Go buy yourself a real 870 and have it legally deactivated.
Is the idea for the Metal "shuch-schck" sound when chamber ind a round? It would be hard to replicate?
I have the Matt GL. Great stuff
Bah, nevermind. I think I figured it out. I just bought a Remington 870 on gunbroker and will pick it up tomorrow if everything goes well.
Since I cant cut the barrel down to the size I need than what Ill do is machine a solid dummy aluminum barrel in the right size. By solid I mean with no hole down the center, so its not a real barrel. Well not completely solid, the tip of the barrel will have a hole to look like a real barrel.
I cant see that being illegal right?
Oh and just to be on the safe side, since the barrel is solid, Ill disable the firing pin, so no one can fire real ammo in there and cause an explosion. But thats just for safety, not for legality.
How can I be manucfacturing a receiver? Wouldnt a resin receiver just blow up if someone tried to use it with real shells? If it cant be made to fire, then how can it be a firearm?

The BATF doesn't care if it's a reliable gun, would it blow up maybe but would it also probably fire, yes...

The shell is actually in the barrel on an 870 so most of the force is inside the barrel except for the backward force, I wouldn't dare test it but I highly suspect you could get it to fire at least once and at that point it's a gun, actually it was a gun once you made the receiver but anyway...

Since I cant cut the barrel down to the size I need than what Ill do is machine a solid dummy aluminum barrel in the right size. By solid I mean with no hole down the center, so its not a real barrel. Well not completely solid, the tip of the barrel will have a hole to look like a real barrel.
I cant see that being illegal right?

Solid dummy barrels like you said are just fine...

As for not being able to cut it down under federal law you can as long as you follow the rules, and in many states you can as well... It just becomes a Title 2 weapon at that point, and you need to pay the $200 tax stamp and got through the hoops of registering it as a short barrel rifle with the Feds...