How do you make a hollow cast in resin?


Master Member
I have no idea how to do this :confused

Do you have to put the mold in a centrifuge or something?
Someone that knows better can correct me if I'm wrong but I think the two main ways would be to rotocast it... which is essentially a machine that spins the mold around so the resin will distribute evenly as it dries. I've also heard of slush casting which I think you pretty much do the same thing by hand but from what I hear it can be kind of sloppy.
If you want to try it out, mix 20g - 30g of resin in a (100 ml) plastic cup. Then just tip the cup until the resin is on the side, but not spilling. Rotate the cup like a cement truck. Just keep it spinning and watch the resin get thicker as it begins to kick off. It will adhere to the sides of the cup and solidify. Let it fully cure and remove. You will have a perfect hollow cast of the cup.

The same applies to larger molds.

a quick setting resin kicks off in about 3 minutes.
Yes, putting on a slush coat is a good way to build up thickness and to make
a hollow cast

Like Clonesix said, but pour in a little at first to make sure that you don't trap
any air bubbles in those really detailed area's and then pour the rest in continually
moving your mold around and as the resin starts to set, every time you move
the resin around the mold it will start to build up a nice thickness..

once the resin stops moving, if your able to see it. You can safely put the mold
down to let it finish the curing process
Howdy Gang,
There's yet another way but it's more involved. It will however yield an even wall thickness where slush casting and rotocasting will not. Go see my thread on the Mig 31 Firefox under studio scale. You can follow my process there.