Horizon 1/6 Jurassic Park Velociraptor FINISHED (See First Post)

Mr. Nagata

Sr Member
So much for my build diary. I was lazy and just finished the darn thing without documenting it :redface After I reshaped the legs, I filled them with anchoring cement in hopes that they would keep their shape. They did shift slightly back to their original position, but only by a centimeter or so, so I compensated by building a stand that accomidated the slightly off-balance stance. As for the paint job, I used the "Making of Jurassic Park" book as reference. There are a bunch of great preproduction and production photos of the animatronic raptors that show the original paint job in great detail. It's very hard to glean the correct color scheme by watching the movies since they look very dark and desaturated (a lot like the Aliens from "Aliens" were painted more brown in real life, but appeared black/blue in the film). There was a lot more yellow than I thought and the bilateral grey belly/dark back scheme was more pronounced. The belly was also more flat in finish than the more shiney scales on the back, so I simulated this by spraying dullcote on the bottom, and airbrushing a diluted semigloss polyurethane on top. I'm very pleased with the results. When photographed, I think it matches the film quite nicely.




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Re: Horizon 1/6 Jurassic Park Velociraptor WIP

Nice! I Like! My has the drunken, retarded pose. I wish I had thought to change it back then....

Keep posting pics of your progress.
Re: Horizon 1/6 Jurassic Park Velociraptor WIP

Great kit.
Built it way back when.
I didnt think to get taxidermists eyes at the time.
If it's not too late you might think about that.

Re: Horizon 1/6 Jurassic Park Velociraptor WIP

Great start !

Here is mine i built 13 years ago (along with some other stuff):


Re: Horizon 1/6 Jurassic Park Velociraptor WIP

When a raptor comes along.. you must WIP it. :cool
Thanks, man! I considered the glass eyes thing for a while, but I opted to paint them so I could get the color scheme exactly right. The actual eyes on the animatronic raptors were painted as well. I have a photo of a guy painting one and using a real lizard eye as reference. Just coated them afterwards in gloss coat.
Great job man! The most accurate in terms of the color scheem and pattern I've seen. :thumbsup
Thanks so much for the compliments. I'm getting into scale modeling again, so I hope to post more of my builds here in the future. It was weird to get back to this model after 15 years of it sitting in my closet. That has to be an all-time record for me :lol
Still can't get over this paint job. Too cool. Any chance of getting a list of paints used... or did you just custom mix stuff together? Also... got a link to that book with reference... I have one called that, but there are no real valuable pictures worth as reference in mine, so I'm guessing I don't have the same one.

Have the same kit and would love to be able to assemble and paint mine like yours, so any tips is greatly appreciated. Think I'll probably buy a second and also try my hand at this version:
I custom mixed a lot of the colors, but I can tell you what I used to start. I started with Tamiya Royal Light Gray in a spray can and very lightly coated the whole thing. I used the airbrush to paint the lateral top half of the body with Tamiya Dark Yellow. I followed that up with a few spots/highlights of dark yellow mixed with regular yellow, and dark yellow mixed with red. Just to vary the yellow a bit to look more organic. I then drybrushed a mixture of Tamiya black and brown over the yellow portions to get the raised scale details. The JP1 raptor was not a solid color, though. They had subtle striping patterns, which you can see in good reference photos. The tail had the most prominent striping pattern. I then used the airbrush to subdue the scales a bit using the same black/brown mixture. I drybrushed the gray belly with white, then subdued it a bit with more Royal light gray. I then used a tiny brush to paint the little dark spots on the belly. There are a couple areas where I did some subtle washes of black or yellow or gray. Just to make the whole thing look more organic. When you're painting a living creature, I find that varying the shade of colors here and there looks more organic.

The mouth was all custom mixed reds. I don't remember exactly how I did that. The teeth are ivory colored with a little bit of dark yellow drybrushed over the gum line.

The eye started with a base of dark green. I then took a VERY tiny brush and painted the pupil and the iris detail. The pupil is black. The iris is tiny dots of Gunze Sangyo Light Blue, Lime Green, and yellow. There are also tiny little veins of black running through it.

Hope that helps.