New Member
Who ever made this suit it still looks amazing. Id rather have one more like the classic Tv series from the 1970's w/ Nicholas Hammond.
Not really. And this why us older members get so frustrated with certain newbs. And then people get all uppity about us jumping all over them.
I absolutely understand your point, but you gotta be able to see the humor of this specific situation. At least a little bit, right?
Ouch....this guy only lives 20 miles from me.......
Was i too hard? should i have allowed it to go on for fun?
Is It made from Lycra.?
Hey man, your new here so here's some advice, when you go through every old Spider-Man post and drag it out of the grave it's called "necro posting". This thread is over a year old dude! It has no relevance anymore. Not trying to be a jerk but someone's gonna tell you eventually man