Unfortunately, I haven't seen yours, but who buys from someone who exclusively writes descriptions in caps? The guy never includes a single lower-case letter in his descriptions or captions..
Ebay doesnt do anything. Ebay is horrible at this type of problems. I bought an item a year ago, and found out it was counterfeit. I opened a paypal dispute, and they wanted proof. I contacted the company who makes the originals. Thank God, they helped me out. Their legal team got me an court affividavit to prove the item was counterfeit. Ebay didnt do anything. All they did was paypal my money back, and she is still continuing to sell on ebay..
Ughhhh, no wonder why they call it evilbay...
I'm sorry to hear about your paperprops...Let me know if you need any help.
Thanks everyone. I have had this happen before so I am not surprised.
The good thing is, is that I am almost done revamping these props with the complete back cover of the magazine. This guy sells his for almost twice the amount I do and mine are better.
Saw that few days ago. That's just lame but like you said, it happens before and will probably happen again. Some people aren't disturbing by making money by using someone else's hard work. And once more Jedifyfe, sorry for the mistake I made with my feeback. I've already framed two of you're covers and they are looking just stunning behind my two Hot Toys Iron Man. Here's a picture:
BTW, I don't know if this seller is a member of these boards but he's selling prints of a lot of things I saw here and there in the paper props threads. I was just wondering if he made all these replicas himself or if he's just selling someone else's job ?