HIC side panels - anyone have good pics of the "indented" side?


Sr Member
As some of you know, I'm scratchbuilding the side panels for an HIC build.
I know there are already great looking ones out there, but I wanted to see if I could do it myself (plus I'm too broke to buy a set:$).

I'm at this stage so far, but I still have some detail work to do and I'm stuck on the thick side of the panel (the one on the other side of my pic).
I only have pics from a very extreme angle to show the indented detail, so it's very hard to visualize it.

If anyone has any pics that I can use that shows this part better, please let me know.

Being the last guy to do these I can say there are FEW pics of the indented side. I look for what I have.

Here's that back of one of mine which is a rework of CE's.

Thanks Micdavis!
I'll appreciate anything you are willing to give and hopefully mine turns out half as well as your set:love

I take little credit for "my" parts. All I did was assemble one of Correllian Export's and molded it (with permission). It was easier than assembling all 8 of them.

Yours looks great. Do you mind few questions and comments?
I would appreciate any comments and suggestions!

I know there are still some things I need to do like the notch on the top of the left "eyelet" on the border and the one on the bottom.
I also need to bevel the squares with the cut out, which I only rough cut to take this picture.

I know I may have missed quite a few more, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Mostly I was curious about the circles all over it. Vince's has few of them but not that many. Do you have pic that shows that?
Thanks for the compliment via PM micdavis!
The photos from a fellow member's site really came in handy to get those details in there.
However, it didn't have any pics of the side I need.

Any other folks here have some. . .please:D?
Sorry I am in the middle of moving to another state. Haven't had a chance to snap you better pics of the back. Gonna have to wait until I unpack on the other end.
Thanks micdavis!
Good luck on the move and I hope you have a ton of space to display your stuff in the new place ;)
You may want to join the HICbuilders club (just click on the link below), because we've got all the reference photos you'll ever need for the HIC.
Thanks CE!
I actually joined using my wife's account since I don't have a yahoo account, but haven't had the time to check things out yet.
I guess it's time to start searching through all that great information there:thumbsup
hey Vash

just letting you know you have one interested customer when you're finished...:lol

thanks for all the hard work
