As some of you know, I'm scratchbuilding the side panels for an HIC build.
I know there are already great looking ones out there, but I wanted to see if I could do it myself (plus I'm too broke to buy a set:$).
I'm at this stage so far, but I still have some detail work to do and I'm stuck on the thick side of the panel (the one on the other side of my pic).
I only have pics from a very extreme angle to show the indented detail, so it's very hard to visualize it.
If anyone has any pics that I can use that shows this part better, please let me know.
I know there are already great looking ones out there, but I wanted to see if I could do it myself (plus I'm too broke to buy a set:$).
I'm at this stage so far, but I still have some detail work to do and I'm stuck on the thick side of the panel (the one on the other side of my pic).
I only have pics from a very extreme angle to show the indented detail, so it's very hard to visualize it.
If anyone has any pics that I can use that shows this part better, please let me know.