Help with Digitgrade stilts.


New Member
Hi guys.

I'm doing some research into making an Underworld Lycan costume ( long term project ) and am interested to know if anyone has had any experience with digitgrade stilts ( that make your legs look like they have a foreward bend ).

I've seen a couple of 'homemade' versions on youtube, but these don't look sturdy enough and a lady in the States who sells them ( $750 :eek ).

Any suggestions would be great.

This guy had some really cool ones at the Maker Fair in San Francisco this year. I talked to him, but I can't remember what he said the name of their project was:


Hi guys.

I'm doing some research into making an Underworld Lycan costume ( long term project ) and am interested to know if anyone has had any experience with digitgrade stilts ( that make your legs look like they have a foreward bend ).

I've seen a couple of 'homemade' versions on youtube, but these don't look sturdy enough and a lady in the States who sells them ( $750 :eek ).

Any suggestions would be great.
