Help with Cylcops LED optic blast effect

CC2014 029.JPGCC2014 030.JPGCC2014 060.JPGHere is what I went with for the the San Diego Comic Con. I used a coin cell battery and had a button switch on the side of the visor that I could turn it on and off with. The second pic is a view from inside the visor looking out. The visibility was only hampered with the lights when I would swap in a fresh battery. Otherwise I couldnt tell the lights were on due to the brightness of the lights in the con and the battery wearing down. One thing I wasnt counting on was how sweaty the visor was. The lights/battery/resistors never got warm, but the tightness of the visor and its non breathability made it not very comfortable to wear. Good thing my girl friend brought my regular sunglasses, I ended up wearing those most of the time and let the visor hang from my neck.
CC2014 119.PNGHere is pic of the regular sunglasses, I think it still looks cool. That is my friend as Cable in the foreground.
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