Help with cowl creation


Well-Known Member
Hello. First I'd like to say it's great to be here, there's an unbelievable amount of talented individuals on this site, and it's been great browsing through so I figured I should join. I hope I'm posting this in the right section.

I go to art school in Toronto, Ontario, and I'm currently taking a Sculpture class. For our final piece, we need to choose a book we enjoy, and bring something from that book to life. Naturally, I chose a Batman graphic novel and I'm looking to mold a cowl based on the book I've chosen. This is where it gets difficult. I have no idea how I should go about doing this. A while back, I stumbled across an artist here who goes by the username "reevz666". His cowls are unbelievable, and I would like to achieve something similar to this. (Not this one in particular, but the appearance):


Is there any help I can get from anyone here, whether it's materials, techniques, anything would be a huge help. Thank you all in advance, I look forward to spending some time looking around here. You can post anything here, you can PM me, or feel free to contact me at my personal email address,
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Re: Help with cowl molding

Sculpting (like with clay) or molding (as in mold 'making')? There are many here who I'm sure will help out, but I have years of professional moldmaking/casting/fabrication experience and envite you to PM me if you get stuck on something technical with the molding process. I may be able to make some helpful suggestions. :)
Re: Help with cowl molding

Sculpting (like with clay) or molding (as in mold 'making')? There are many here who I'm sure will help out, but I have years of professional moldmaking/casting/fabrication experience and envite you to PM me if you get stuck on something technical with the molding process. I may be able to make some helpful suggestions. :)

Ahhh yes, my apologies - that is what I meant. I'll send you a message, thanks a lot for offering your assistance.
Re: Help with cowl molding

Ahhh yes, my apologies - that is what I meant. I'll send you a message, thanks a lot for offering your assistance.

Ask a mod to move this to replica props, you'll get more hits and is the best place for this post.
I would think the costuming forum would be better suited for this one. Looks great so far! I hope you find the help you need here.
I'll contact a mod to help me move this into the proper section, sorry about that.
@Zombierepellent: I wish that WAS mine, but sadly it was just an example of what I would like to achieve. Thanks all the same though, haha!!
Why not contact Shawn direct? He'd most likely be able to steer you in the direction you want, he's a nice guy. ;)

I did a week or so ago, but I haven't got a reply yet. I'm still waiting, hopefully he does reply soon since it would be great to talk with him.
Okay, here we go, the topic has been moved. Anyone who can help me with the process of turning the sculpted clay cowl into a finished product?
Interestingly enough, I noticed last night Reeves is signed up there as well, so that'd be a great idea. I actually just closed the window for the forum about an hour ago. Thanks for your recommendation, I appreciate the help.
Yes he's a long standing member there as well as quit a few others that are very good at doing batman cowls/sculpts. ;)