Help! Is this online Prop store reliable? (Link Inside)

A lot of their replicas are seriously overpriced. The underworld ring they sell for $90 for instance, can be found on ebay for $8. Pazuzu head firgure for 250 bucks? damn, i have been hurting myself by only charging $65 for a finished copy.

It is also hard to tell when they are originals or replicas.
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I've sold some horror props to this guy but have never bought from him (sorry, I know that doesn't help very much).

I see that he doesn't hold on to stuff very long ...
i've thought about buying some things from him, but he doesnt accept paypal and from what i've read he will take cash via mail or a money wire. sounds a little iffy to me, but i read that last year on his site. maybe its different now. who knows. def over priced on a lot of things too.
He looks like a collector who lists his stuff online at higher prices, but he is listing his collection. It's stated on his home page on the website. I would do the same since I wouldn't sell some of my stuff unless the price is right. I have seen some of the items listed on his site on the bay for a lot less so if your looking for something, try ebay first and set up a search with daily email notifications. You may luck out at a cheaper price if you can wait it out.

Necro bump!!

Lol... I have just been dealing with this guy on eBay. He bought something from me and doesn't think it should cost as much as it does to ship. The 9 lbs box insured was close to $70. I repacked with less stuffing snd got the weight down and total shipping is now $56.49. He's still not happy.
I even provide screen shots of me getting postal quote and he still thinks I am wrong.
I even took a screen shot of the postal site showing that no package over 4 lbs can ship FIRST CLASS, only Priority overseas. He basically called me a liar and said that he ordered a Neca Full size ET and they shipped it First Class to him for $45.00. Now mind you, HE IS IN SWITZERLAND.
And this I know is a lie because buyers here in the US got emails saying this is too large for USPS and needs to ship via UPS.
I went to the Neca site, put in his address and their calculator states $125.00. The only options they offer is PRIORITY or EXPRESS.
So I don't know if this guy uses the bully tactics to pressure sellers into eating some of the shipping costs themselves, but I basically debunked all if his statements and used screen caps to do it. So we will see his response to all my proof.

Anyone know if this guy is a member here?
His Blade Runner pistol looks like one of my early plastic pre-worldcon, OR a plastic sidkit (a recasting of my model)

Just information, no grip.

Note I was getting $300.00 to $400.00 for mine.

I have to chuckle... The buyer who is trying to nickel and dime me down on my shipping costs MESSAGED me and said,
"I am buying this prop to resell, and my profit is very little to begin with before adding in shipping".
Oh the poor soul... What a sob story :lol

He paid $331.00 after shipping costs were rolled in, and he sells another exact prop on his site for $700+ (not including shipping)
And to top it off, I threw in extra props in the lot, so he wil probably sell it all for $800-900+

And he wants to cry because he wanted me to cut shipping by $15 and use my profits to cover it?
This fool is going to resell the props for a profit of $500+
No, but it is obvious he was trying to pressure me into splitting the cost to ship the items.