Whoa Did I fool anyone?
I just got the Luke ANH Mini from phantomcollectibles.com (Thanks Guys.)
This thing is perfect...I feel like a giant holding the thing.
I'm so familliar with the real item, the Graflex Flash that this is a different experience from the other minis I own, Luke ROTJ and the Obi ANH.
This sucker is just soo cool. The details are wonderful...the onlt thing missing is GRAFLEX on the clamp and the writing on the endcap...but you're fooled because of the Master Replicas trademark in it's place...
(You can't see in my pic, but the lines on the clamp are there)
The onlty thing I was curious about is the placement of the clamp and bubbles...not just is it to the left, as the screen used is, thats cool...but it's even a little toward the backside.
Are their full size replicas that way also? Is this a detail that "we now know?". I've always kept mine square at the side.
Anyway...as I said in the title...this item is the most satisfying prop replica I've gotten from them.
Oh , the red button even depresses...
*Note* the first pic is my real Graflex...No use of photoshop was employed in the posting of these pictures...
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